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The gaurd of shop came and hold his hand, but immediately the security gunman's of vaishnavi came in.

Gunman (in an aggressive tone) : what is happening here?

Siddharth get up and went to them.

Gunman : I hope you are fine sir.

Siddharth wants him to get punished now.

Shopkeeper : what happened sir, I am sorry.... (He is scared)

One of the security guard calls vaishnavi there.

Vaishnavi came there. Seeing her the shopkeeper starts sweating like he is gonna die soon.

Vaishnavi : what happened sid?

Siddharth : he told me that I can't buy this, and if I wanna buy it I have to accept his slavery then only I can pay that much. (He filled his eyes with tears intentionally, because he really wants to take revenge of insult)

Vaishnavi is fuming in anger.

Vaishnavi : you 🤬🤬🤬 , how dare you to speak with him like this, don't you know that customer is considered God.

Shopkeeper : I am sorry mam, I didn't know that he knows you.

Vaishnavi : he is my real brother, owner of you all and this mall. How dare you to stop him. You forgotten I guess that you didn't own this place.

Shopkeeper : I am sorry mam.

Vaishnavi : now no sorry and all, you made a mistake and you will pay for it. Just take your stuff and get lost.

Shopkeeper holds her feets.

Vaishnavi : I said get lost.

Siddharth : di, leave him I guess he got the lesson that never underestimate anyone. Money is not permanent with anyone. Remember this.

Shopkeeper : sorry sir.

Siddharth : it's okay

Siddharth calm her anger anyhow and he bought the most expensive watch for Avneet.

Siddharth : thank you didi.

Vaishnavi : let's go, it's almost evening now we have to be ready for party tonight.

They came back to villa.

Stay tuned

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