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Siddharth : okay I don't mind, after all no one is there at my home waiting for me. (He said with smile on face but eyes are moist)

Avneet : it's okay. I am with you na. (She hold his hand and their eyelock with each other, which is really intense and Siddharth broke it looking away).

When avneet is looking at him only.

Siddharth : shall we?

Avneet : yups.

They sit in the car.

Siddharth : so now we are friends na so tell me something about you? (He asked curiously)

Avneet : ask what do you want to know about me mister nigam?

Siddharth : uhmm.. Anything your likes, dislikes, about your family, what they likes or dislikes?

Avneet : why do you want to impress them? (She winked teasing him)

Siddharth : of course I want to impress them, after all I like their daughter. (Siddharth flirts back even with higher level going close to her)

Avneet blush hard and turned red. As soon he move his face ahead, Avneet eyes struck on him.

Siddharth laughed on her shy reaction.

Avneet : why are you laughing now? (She start fixing her hair she is feeling so shy)

Siddharth : you know you are too cute.

Siddharth pull her cheeks lovingly.

Avneet moves back immediately with heavy breathing.

Siddharth feel that she get offended of his action.

Siddharth : I am sorry I didn't meant to make you feel awkward.

Avneet : I am not feeling awkward yaar. (She complained as he is not understanding her emotions)

Siddharth : hmm.

Avneet : what hmm? Seriously I was feeling like I lose my control. (She almost confessed)

Siddharth : oh really.

Avneet : yes really. Siddharth can't you really see in my eyes that what's in my heart for you? (She asked him in a loving voice)

Siddharth gulped in nervousness because he knows what it meant.

Avneet : I asked you something?

Stay tuned.

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