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Abhishek : I didn't remember that I ever flirt with anyone in my life. (He said looking at vaishnavi like giving a justification to her).

Vaishnavi is looking so insecure and jealous.

Yesha : I am sorry, I guess I shouldn't have to say this here. I am sorry, yes he is honest I was kidding that he flirted with me.

But now vaishnavi is believing previous statement.

Yesha : even I didn't remember that night. (She said making Vaishnavi feels more jealous).

Vaishnavi : night? (An angry glare went to Abhishek)

Yesha : I am kidding mam.

Abhishek : vaishnavi, she is kidding there was nothing like that. (He again tried to give justification).

Siddharth smiled at Avneet, because it's looks like plan is going to right way.

Avneet : let's shop now, didi come and help me.

Yesha : yeah even I will buy a lehenga for your wedding. Abhi... Will you help me?

Vaishnavi : his name is Abhishek, and he don't like anyone calls him abhi!! Right abhi. (Showing her right on him)

Abhishek : yes yesha.

Siddharth : didi, don't behave like this Vaishnavi didi is possessive about Abhishek bhaiya.

Yesha : oh I didn't know, you are dating vaishnavi mam, Abhishek, sorry.

Abhishek : no no, we aren't dating.

Vaishnavi have no answer of that, because she always denied love in front of everyone.

Avneet : let's shop, abhi bhaiya, will you please help Yesha didi, I want help from Vaishnavi didi.

Abhishek : okay.

Yesha : you come with me.

Yesha bring Abhishek with him. And vaishnavi heart is pounding faster she wants to go behind them too but she can't.

She can't show her insecurity this way.

Abhishek and Yesha done her shopping and Vaishnavi, Siddharth and Avneet also finished their shopping.

And Yesha came back her hands clutch in his arm.

Vaishnavi is burning seeing all this.

Avneet : didi, now it's time to leave. Let's go.

Yesha and Avneet left.

Stay tuned

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