
Vaishnavi still have his eyes struck on Siddharth. Abhishek noticing that and he can't understand that what is happening to this stone hearted Vaishnavi.

Abhishek : where are you lost Vaishnavi?

Vaishnavi : no where, say? (Still not moving eyes from Siddharth)

Abhishek : vaishnavi, everyone is talking about that you were biased about that boy Siddharth, as you didn't gave award to anyone yourself but you gave him yourself.

Vaishnavi : I don't care what everyone thinks Abhishek, and you know that my bestie.

Abhishek : I know you, but even I can't understand that, from his hiring to today he is getting a little more privilege from everyone, why? (He sounds jealous)

Vaishnavi : there is nothing is like that. He is just a talent one so I encourage him that's it.

Abhishek : hope so.

Vaishnavi : yups okay I am coming in a minute okay?

Abhishek : yeah sure.

Vaishnavi have a glass of soft drink in her hand and she walked to the table of Siddharth, Avneet, Jannat, Faisal and Amandeep uncle.

She stopped there.

Abhishek noticed again.

Vaishnavi : congratulations to you all three and especially you mister Amandeep you are working since so long with us.

Amandeep uncle : mam it's a biggest day of my life that you appreciate me. By the way mam she is my daughter. Avneet.

Vaishnavi : hii. (She is looking at Siddharth).

Everyone can see it.

Vaishnavi pretend but she intentionally spill the juice on siddharth's shirt.

Vaishnavi : I am sorry, I am genuinely sorry.

Siddharth : it's okay mam. (He is wiping)

Vaishnavi : do one thing, go and change your shirt.

Siddharth : no mam it's fine.

Vaishnavi : I insist please go and change.

Siddharth : uhm.. Okay.

Vaishnavi : that way. There is my vanity I will call them they will provide you a shirt.

Siddharth : okay mam thanks

Vaishnavi : your welcome

Siddharth left.

Stay tuned.

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