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Siddharth : who is this?

Avneet : Jannat?

Siddharth : pick up then.

Avneet : you continue I will call her later, I know she didn't have anything important to talk. It's more important whatever we were doing. (She said feeling so desperate)

Siddharth : Avneet baby, we are together here whole day, please pick up a call. (He kissed her cheek)

Avneet : okay if you say baby.

She picks up the call but sounds really irritated as she disturbed her romance period with her boyfriend.

Avneet : hello.

Jannat : hii Avneet.

Avneet : what happened? (Sounds Irritated)

Jannat : all okay darling, you sounds really irritated from something?

Avneet : nothing yaar, say na why you called?

Jannat : are you with Siddharth?

Avneet : how do you know?

Jannat : oh meant you were having good time when I called? Right?

Avneet : can you see us?

Siddharth was like : how?

Avneet : nothing I am kidding.

He took relieved breath.

Jannat : okay okay I am sorry I should not have disturbed love birds but I was asking you to go for shopping today what say?

Avneet : oh yes, we should go. Even I have to buy shoes for Siddharth and a wallet for him as well. And...

Jannat : yeah yeah I know you must have to buy a lot of things for your husband so are you up for the shopping plan?

Avneet : yes.

Jannat : so see you at XYZ Mall at 1 PM, we all will have lunch there only so bring Siddharth too, I will ask Faisal.

Avneet : oh sure sure. Great plan.

Jannat : bye see you soon. Enjoy (teasingly)

Avneet : yups you too.

She cuts the call. And told about shopping plan to Siddharth.

Avneet : get ready faster and tell me what kinda shoes you like more sports or formal?

Siddharth : Avneet yaar I have a pair of shoes. (He knows avneet is spending a lot of money on him)

Stay tuned.

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