Avneet : so tell me what is brewing in your head? (She asked teasingly)

Jannat : you gone mad avneet?

Faisal : you remember na that you even said no to me for a coffee?

Jannat : so?

Faisal : so what? I mean you are hitting on him now, isn't it wrong?

Jannat : shut up yaar Faisal, I just can relate with his pain of losing someone when you need support. That's why I offer help, but guys can see a girl and guy in a single manner only. Shame on you. (She said angrily and left)

Avneet : jannat, sorry yaar. (Said from behind)

Jannat went to his cabin.

Avneet get busy too and Faisal in his work as well.

One week passed away,

Jannat starts having a bit conversation with Siddharth. When avneet and Faisal both are not liking it.

Avneet : don't you think Faisal, something must be going on between Jannat and Faisal?

Faisal : yeah I also feels the same yaar. (In a jealous tone) do you know Jannat is sharing her lunch with him everyday.

Avneet : yeah I can see. By the way beware of him, he is handsome and heart stealer, I can notice all the girls going mad over him.

Faisal : so why not you?

Avneet : I know my dad, he won't even see him. They want billionaire son in law. (Said laughing).

This continue for 2 weeks more. But now even Avneet is not liking the friendship of Jannat and Siddharth.

It's been 23 days,

Siddharth is working in this showroom. But they exchange good morning and good night only on the name of conversation.

Now Faisal is losing his patience, he wanna stop this guy to impress his crush.

Faisal and Avneet decide to join them on lunch one day.

Faisal : hii guys.

Jannat : hello.

Avneet : if you don't mind can we join?

Stay tuned.

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