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On Avneet's insistence siddharth came to Vaishnavi's room.

Vaishnavi is busy with her laptop in some important meetings, when Abhishek is not even aware of all what happening in the house.

Siddharth is feeling nervous.

Before knocking the door of Vaishnavi's room, Siddharth looked at his watch.

It's over midnight now.

Siddharth (in his mind)

Its midnight siddharth, is it right to knock your sisters bedroom door at this time, is this manner?

No.... I should go back to my room, I will talk to didi.

Suddenly, he remembered that Avneet told him that she will call him back after sometime so if he didn't talked to Vaishnavi she will eat him.

After thinking a lot, siddharth realised that he is more scared of Avneet, so he knocks the door of Vaishnavi's room.

Pov ends.

Vaishnavi : who the hell is this, can't you see the time? (From inside, in an irritated tone, as she is short temper her anger raise like in a second).

Siddharth feels scared.

Siddharth (from outside only) : I am sorry didi, I will talk to you tomorrow sorry.

Vaishnavi immediately get up from her bed hearing his voice. Her behavior with this world and with siddharth is completely different.

She is likely behave a mother to Siddharth.

She opened the door.

Siddharth : sorry didi.

Vaishnavi : no no it's okay kiddo, what happened? All good?

Siddharth : yes didi, I was just....

Vaishnavi : come in.

Siddharth : you must be tired na didi, I am sorry.

Vaishnavi : Aree, it's okay I am your sister my kiddo. Come, don't behave like others.

Vaishnavi shut the door and ask him to sit.

Vaishnavi : so I hope my little brother is happy today.

Siddharth smiled and nodded.

Siddharth : thank you for everything didi.

Vaishnavi : now please, I am not expecting thanks from my brother.

Stay tuned.

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