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Siddharth and Avneet walks in.

This is so beautiful place for first romantic outing for sure.

Avneet : Faisal have a great choice? Isn't it?

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Avneet : Faisal have a great choice? Isn't it?

Siddharth : indeed, you should learn it too Avneet.

Avneet : learn it what?

Siddharth : to keep you partner happy by making these sweet and cute loving gestures!! (He said pulling Her legs)

Avneet : oh I am ready for that, I would love to do spread stars in his way , once my love say yes to me.

Siddharth smiled. He is feel himself little unfortunate because he know that they didn't made for each other.

Avneet : let's go ahead.

Jannat and Faisal are looking comfortable with each other now, it's not look like they want accompany of their friends anymore Between them.

But they still walk to them at least talk to them once.

Siddharth : hii Faisal sir / Jannat mam. Congratulations for this new start of love life.

Jannat : isn't it too early siddharth for all this.

Faisal : don't you want this to happen?

Jannat : uhm.... Of course I want. (Shyly)

Avneet : I guess we guys should not stay as you two are enjoying together so we will leave okay?

Siddharth : yups I feel the same.

Jannat : uhm.. Okay but I must say Avneet you are looking so gorgeous today.

Avneet : I told you so darling, you are looking damn hot too.

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Siddharth : anyone doesn't noticed me, by the way this is my favorite outfit

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Siddharth : anyone doesn't noticed me, by the way this is my favorite outfit.

Jannat : you are looking good too sid.

Avneet : yups agreed you are so handsome, my favorite.

Siddharth blushed a little.

Avneet : so guys you enjoy we should leave.

They didn't wait more and walked out of cafe.

Siddharth : will you drop me at home back?

Avneet : yups of course have a seat. But we should wait for some time here what if they call me back.

Stay tuned.

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