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Siddharth : try to understand, Avneet on this path we both will just get hurt ahead. Do you think your father will be ready to give your hand in mine? (He asked being serious now)

Avneet : I don't know anything right now, and I don't even care I just know that I love you and I need you at any cost. (She said so lovingly cupping his face with moist eyes)

Siddharth : relax Avneet, please try to understand the situation.

Jannat and Faisal see them having any argument so they came to them.

They joined their conversation,

Jannat : all good guys?

Avneet : look at him na Jannat, he heard our yesterday night conversation so he wants to stay away from me now?

Jannat : I told you Jannat that you should be aware of this situation but I never know this will come this soon.

Siddharth : you tell me Faisal sir and Jannat mam, is it right to go ahead when you know it's just a dead end. (He said feeling bad)

Avneet : we can make it Siddharth trust me, I will think something if you will stay with me. (She said in almost crying tone)

Jannat and Faisal are becoming weak in front of her, so they are compulsive to take her side now.

Faisal : Siddharth I feel if she is really sure about you this much then you should give her a chance?

Jannat : yeah I feel the same, because after all every parent want her kid happy and her happiness is you maybe they get ready.

Siddharth : and what if they still not said yes?

Avneet : why are you thinking this negative Siddharth, don't you love me? (With a tearful eyes)

Siddharth : I love you but....

Avneet hugged him.

Avneet : I love you too you just be with me I will do anything but won't leave you.

Siddharth hugged her back and after this he can't say anything.

Stay tuned.

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