Vaishnavi hired a manager already, now she is having a headache she wanna go back to her villa and rest for some time so she came out from her cabin.

Abhishek : sorry mister, but you are rejected we are strict about our rules.
(Said straight forward not even tried to listen to him)

Siddharth : sir, please give me one chance I will prove myself a best decision of yours.

Abhishek : listen, boy I am not a boss here, and if vaishnavi mam will get to know that you didn't followed the dress code, you will be thrown out.

Siddharth heard about Vaishnavi's anger before he came here.

Siddharth : sir, at least listen to me once?

Abhishek : no, I am sorry please leave.


Jannat : I told you na that Abhishek will not even take his interview, I knew it you.

Faisal : you are really so smart Jannat. (He tries to butter her).

Jannat : hmm.

Avneet : so what do you think will the next will be selected?

Jannat : let him/ her come!!

Back to interview table,

Siddharth : sir, please try to understand I really need this job I didn't have money to go back to my home town. (He joined his hands in front of him)

Abhishek : I will surely help you brother but it's not in my hand.

Abhi takes out and give him some money to went back to prayagraj feeling pity on him.

Siddharth : sir, I didn't need money I am not a beggar. (He said in a self respected tone)

Abhishek : but brother I really can't help you, I am sorry you should leave.

Siddharth tried last time and hold his feets to get the job.

Vaishnavi arrived.

Vaishnavi : what the hell is happening here? (Said in a very angry tone)

Abhishek : nothing mam.

Siddharth feels so nervous.

Stay tuned.

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