Siddharth : stop the car here only, and thanks for a lift?

Avneet : you live here siddharth?

Siddharth : actually, I live inside this colony, but your car can't go inside this place even this place doesn't suits your standard so thanks for a lift.

Avneet : but why are you living here, as much as I know this is a illegal slum area.

Siddharth : hmm I know, but this is the last day here, tomorrow I will get my first salary then I will find any good place to live.

Avneet : you should tell this to me before, I will arrange anything for you yaar.

Siddharth : it's okay, it's about one more night then the sun rise in my life.

Avneet feels bad for him. But he is not gonna take financial help she knows so he left.

But Avneet talked to her broker to find a flat for him. But it's difficult to find a place to live on rent with average pay job in Delhi.

Avneet contact almost 10 brokers but all of suggested her room with more than 10000 month rent and 2 month deposit in advance and siddharth have salary of rupees 20000 only, she knows siddharth can't pay this much.

Siddharth is searching for a place too. And at last, she talked with one of his friend to give him a room and she paid the money without telling Siddharth.

Next day,

Siddharth got his first salary and he is so happy today.

Jannat : congratulations, Siddharth.

Faisal : yeah congo bro

Siddharth : thank you

Avneet : I want a party siddharth.

Siddharth : yeah sure, you all three invited on a dinner at my new room today. I am not rich but I will bring food from good restaurant.

Avneet : no need to waste your money, we all will make noodles together, it will be enough for us.

Stay tuned.

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