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Meanwhile at Avneet's house,

She reached home late and she is looking so upset today, she wants to be happy for siddharth.

But now, because he is Vaishnavi's brother it's difficult for Avneet and siddharth to be together now.

She walks inside her home and stride towards her room

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She walks inside her home and stride towards her room.

Her father : Avneet.... (Angrily calls her name)

Her mother : aman, please calm down we can make her understand lovingly. Please don't shout on her. (Aunty whispers to control uncle's anger)

Avneet looked at her parents.

Her father walked to her but before her father could shout on her angrily. Her mother hold her hand and asked her politely.

Her mother : where were you my child, look at the time it's 10:00 PM already and you were not picking our calls, you know how much we were worried?

Avneet : I am sorry mom.

Her father : avneet, your mom asked that where..were.. you? (Angrily, with gritted teeth)

Her mother : aman relax.

Avneet :  dad, I just went to get some peace in my life.

Her father : peace... And that must be that poor salesman Siddharth nigam right?

Avneet : dad please....

Her mother : avneet, my child why are you not understanding your dad is right, he didn't match our standard.

Avneet smiled with a sad expression.

Avneet : you are right mom, and dad he is really not on our standard anymore.

Her father : so, respect your reputation. And stay away from him. We are in the higher management of Pride automobiles.

Avneet :  yeah and he is owner's brother. We are nothing in front of him, so don't worry now he will never come to me, it's all over.

Her father : what nonsense?

Avneet told everything to him. Her father didn't believed it so he confirmed this from Abhishek.

Abhishek said the same to them.

Stay tuned.

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