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Amandeep uncle come back roaring name of Avneet.

Sonia aunty : what happened aman?

Siddharth and Avneet came back in front of them.

Avneet : what happened papa?

Amandeep uncle : who is he Avneet?

Sonia aunty : Aman, what happened?

Siddharth understand that he get to know the truth.

Avneet : uhm....

Amandeep uncle : don't you dare to lie now, my assistant find everything about him, he is just a poor salesboy and he is dreaming to be my son in law. Ha ha ha. (He is fuming in anger)

Sonia aunty : is it true Avneet? (Asked looking at Avneet)

Siddharth : uncle....

Amandeep uncle : listen young boy, you are not my enemy, I invited you but now you should leave. It's really good meeting you. But stop trying on my daughter. Okay? And do hardwork to be rich.

Siddharth : uncle I will keep him happy.

Amandeep uncle : what did you just said, you keep her happy? (He shouts on him angrily)

Siddharth remains silent.

Avneet : papa please.

Amandeep uncle : do you know her shoes is more than your one month salary tell me practically how will you keep her happy.

Avneet : dad I love him.

Amandeep uncle : love is not enough Avneet, wake up.

Avneet : dad....

Amandeep uncle : if you have any self respect please leave.

Now siddharth walks out without saying anything it was the most insulting day for him.

He left her residence, return car to Jannat and came back to his home crying feeling like his all dream shattered but he knows that he dream more than he should.

So he decided that he will stay away from Avneet now.

Avneet pass the day crying too, because her father gave her swear that she have to stay away from Siddharth.

Siddharth is thinking that how to be rich, because he thought that there is nothing in life without being rich.

Stay tuned.

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