Siddharth is still on phone call.

Siddharth : you don't worry avneet, I will try to convince Vaishnavi didi.

Avneet : she won't agree siddharth, you got your sister after years please don't ruin anything because of me.

Siddharth : but, I can try once to convince Vaishnavi didi, I think she will understand. And you were with me in my worst time, I won't leave your hand for anything.

Vaishnavi entered in room.

Vaishnavi : for what you wanna convince me?

Siddharth : uhm... Please hold on call. (Said in low tone)

Siddharth : nothing didi. (Feels nervous).

Vaishnavi : if I am not wrong then might be that over possessive girl Avneet is on call.

Siddharth felt more nervous.

Vaishnavi : may I talk to her?

Siddharth : uhm...

Vaishnavi : please.

Siddharth handed over the phone to Vaishnavi.

Vaishnavi : hello, hi vaishnavi this side?

Avneet feels so nervous hearing her voice.

Avneet : good morning mam.

Vaishnavi : morning, I guess you should focus on your work in work hours miss kaur. (In a strict tone she said).

Siddharth feels bad, his expression says everything so not to hurt him, Vaishnavi change her tone immediately.

Avneet : sorry mam.

Vaishnavi : i was kidding Avneet, listen it's party in my mansion tonight so I personally invite you for this party, along with your mutual friends with Siddharth.

Avneet : are you serious mam? (Happily)

Vaishnavi : yes put the phone on speaker. (She said to invite Faisal and Jannat too)

Jannat : good morning mam.

Vaishnavi : good morning, listen you all three are invited, and miss Avneet bring you father and mother too.

Avneet : sure mam, thank you so much for this honor.

Vaishnavi : it's my pleasure, but now siddharth will be busy all day so I hope you meet him directly in party only.

Avneet : okay mam.

Vaishnavi : have a nice day.

Avneet : I already had mam. (She said happily)

Vaishnavi cuts the call and give it to Siddharth.

Vaishnavi : happy now, I invited your girl. (With a smile)

Siddharth blushed.

Stay tuned.

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