Jannat : yeah sure guys, why will I mind!!

Faisal takes a seat besides jannat and Avneet besides Siddharth.

Avneet : so how many clients you convinced mister?

Siddharth : 20 !! (With a proud smile)

Avneet : what? (Shocked)

Jannat : yeah, he sold 20 cars this month and 7 more days left, he is gonna get promotion in a month only, just wait and watch.

Faisal : oh bravo boy, you are really good in sales.

Siddharth : thank you sir.

Avneet : by the way, how many of your clients are girls or ladies?

Siddharth : why are you asking this, mam?

Avneet : just for a general knowledge?

Siddharth : okay wait let me check in file. Uhmm.. 16 cars has been bought by female clients.

Avneet : indeed I knew it.

Jannat laugh a bit.

Siddharth : I don't get it

Avneet : you are handsome, Siddharth, it's not difficult for you to convince girls. And the way you talk is amazing.

Siddharth blush.

Faisal : wait, are you blushing?

Avneet : he is cute?

Siddharth blush more hard, he is not replying anything.

Jannat : by the way, this handsome boy likes someone.

Faisal : what? Whom? (He knows it's must be Jannat)

Avneet : I guess I know the name.

Siddharth : jannat mam, you told me it will be our secret.

Jannat : yeah it should be a secret but she should know Siddharth.

Faisal : don't you know that he likes you. (So jealous)

Jannat : not me, he likes you Avneet, he told me yesterday that he had a crush on you.

Avneet : on me? Seriously?

Avneet looked at him. Siddharth is looking down, he is blushing hard so can't meet eyes with her.

Siddharth : I am sorry mam.

Avneet : why sorry, I think I should thank you to like me. (She winked)

Internally, she is liking him personality wise right now.

Faisal : but remember na Avneet!!

Avneet : yeah I remember so shut up.

Stay tuned.

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