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In hospital,

Vaishnavi : you fine now?

Siddharth : yes mam, it was nothing like to be worried still thanks?

Vaishnavi : my driver will drop you at your place?

Siddharth : no mam I will manage and I will go first to workplace I will go back to home after my work hours.

Vaishnavi : you go and rest, Siddharth.

Siddharth : mam, I am completely fine.

Vaishnavi : you should listen to me don't you know I am your boss. (She said strictly but before he could answer avneet reached hospital)

Siddharth : Avneet....

Avneet : you fine na?

She hugged him , he hugs her back and calm her because she was crying.

Vaishnavi : it's enough of drama, what do you think of yourself, I checked the CCTV footage, your father pushed him and now you are doing this drama of being concern.

Siddharth : mam, it was by mistake.

Avneet : you are the most richest business tycoon and my boss too, but may I know, why are you trying to steal my love from me, don't you have any other choice in your life. (She said this rudely without feeling any fear of her)

Vaishnavi : mind your words avneet kaur nandra? What nonsense is this. (Angrily)

Siddharth : avneet calm down, I am sorry mam on her behalf.

Avneet : what sorry, I am saying the truth only, no one is blind everyone can see that you are hitting on his body like perverts from day 1.

Vaishnavi's gaurds came ahead and points gun on her head.

Siddharth : mam I am sorry, please forgive her. (With joined hands).

Vaishnavi : put the guns down. And yeah I will surely answer you for this. Follow me.

Vaishnavi left in anger.

Siddharth : Avneet what were you doing? She is so dangerous and you know that.

Avneet : I don't know, tomorrow I will leave this job and you too. Then we will go away from this city I will talk to my mom. I love you and you only.

Stay tuned

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