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I'm Nana and I want to know what love feels like. I've been listening to my friends conversation until I felt interested after one of my friend Luna talked about "Love".

"Omg! Love is like a disease...a good one."

"What? How?"

"When you look at that person you love, your vision only focuses on him and the whole entire place sparkles of joy."

"...I don't get it Luna" I whined as she just laughed.

"You will soon..." she drank her juice as she changed her position on the stairs in front of our school. It was dismissal and everyone already left but me and my friends who were sitting at the main entrance.

"Hmph. I want to know what love feels like..." I sighed.

"So you want to know how love feels like huh??" I looked around and found a guy leaning on the railings as some girls squealed at the back.

"I can teach you" he smirked as my eyes widened.

" I will wait for you tomorrow, class A3 right??"


"Oppa~ Come here let's go to the karaoke~" the girls "sweetly" battered her fake eyelashes at him.

"Ha~ Sure..." he sighed as they all walked away from us.

"Oh. My. God....that was-"

"S.COUPS!!!" my friends squealed as they kept on fangirling.

"Nana you're so lucky! I can't believe I just saw S.coup's face sooo close!"

"I'm sorry...S what??"

"You really don't know him!?"


"Big problem gurl~ he's the most handsome kingka in this school! And the smartest too. How could you not know about him..."

"Anyways...he's probably playing with you-"



"He's just playing with me. Anyways, I need to go home and pick my brother up from the baby center. Bye~" I said as I just laughed at his joke.

Him waiting for me? Did he think his joke could get to me? How pathetic of him.


"Class dismissed!" the announcer shouted at the microphone as the bell rang.

I rushed out with my bag until something pulled it and made me fall back into someone's arms.

"Pabo! I told you I will be waiting for you!" I turned around in shock only to see..ughh this S.coups guy.

"Thank you" I bowed keeping my poker face on.

"Anyways...let's go to the amusement park..."


He just smirked and dragged me all the way over to the fun park, payed the tickets and teached me a lot of different things which I didn't know about like the joy and happiness you have.


Time passed and the park was now closed.

"Thanks for bringing me here" I cheerfully said as he just nodded.

"Can you do me something in favor of the lessons??"

"Like what?"

"This makes all the girls go crazy and excited"


He cut me off and kissed me on the lips.

"See?" he proudly said with a smirk until he saw me, crying.

"I hate you! Why would you do that! Die you freak!" I was in a state of shock where all my blood rushed to my head, I ran away from him and stopped in the middle of the bridge up top of the streets.

What is wrong with him!? Why would he...steal my first kiss. I fondled with my phone until I almost dropped it out the bridge.

"Ah!" I grabbed it in hurry as another mass pulled me back at the right time.

"Are you crazy!?"

"I wasn't gonna jump! My phone slipped!" I said as his facial expression turned more sweeter.

"I'm sorry...Nana..."

"H- how do you know my name?"

"Well....I l- liked you since our first year....and I want to look cooler in front of you but you never noticed me like the other girls did so I asked you out today. I'm sorry I kissed you..." he looked down and I gave him a faint smile.

"Y- you like me??" I said as he smiled back.

"Yes....Anyways...why do you want to fall in love so bad?" he asked breaking the cold ice.

"I just want to know, my friend Serin used to be shy, insecure, and didn't want to look pretty. But after she confessed to a boy and he accepted, she became so much more brighter and she sparkled with delight. I wanted to know how that felt."

"Well, since I confessed do you want to try with me?"

"Yeah why not" I smiled as he jumped around the place.

"I love you!" he hugged me, tightly.

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now