the8 (Min178)

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I'm moving to a new school and I'm soooo excited! This school is very hard to get in for girls since it's mostly for clever boys to go.

I excitedly walked in the school to see people looking at me in...shock? Well might be because there's only 20 girls in this school.

The bell rang so I just waited in front of the door until the teacher gestured me in, I went inside and just smiled at all the people.

"Hello, my name is Min and I hope we can get along this year" I said as everyone smiled...except for this one guy who was ignoring me. 

"Welcome Min, now you may sit beside Ming Hao. Ming Hao can you raise your hand up!" the teacher said as the boy raised his hand as he glared? at me.

I sat down next to him as I had my hand out.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Min." I said as he looked at me and back at the board, weirdo...I awkwardly took my hand back as I took notes for the class.


It became lunch and I was excused to call my sister who's currently crying because she's sick and no one's at home right now.

I bit my finger ignoring the deep mark on it as I tried to calm her down, I walked around the place as I can hear her cough really hard which got me more and more worried. What am I supposed to do? This school doesn't allow leaves at all.


The afternoon class started and I was sweating as I watched the time tick, I need to go home right away and I kept on tapping my foot.


It was after school and I saw a crowd of people and a girl's voice...that's my sister's voice!

"Sorry, sorry" I whispered as I squished through the people to find Ming Hao holding her.

"Suri-ah!" I shouted as I touched her forehead.

"You know her?" I recall Ming Hao said as I nodded.

"I'll take her to your house, you need to agree she's burning." he said as I nodded again and carried him threw our house.


Finally Suri went to sleep, I sat down on the couch as I breathed. I didn't know Ming Hao can be so sweet to her, he's really different from before.

"I'm sorry from before. I was in a bad mood" he smiled for the first time as he had his hand out for me to shake and I did.

"Thank you for today. Without you she would have been still awake did she get here?"

"I saw her limping over to the school until she collapsed." he said as I nodded.

"Let's be friends! My names Ming Hao" he smiled as I returned the smile.

"Hello! My name's Min" I laughed as we spent time together at my house.

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