Hansol (nicolee_imagines)

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Let me tell you a ugly truth...I cut, yes painful right? But I haven't told anyone....ANYONE. You might be asking why....well, it's because of how horrible my life is. People hate me and my parents never even loved me even if I'AM their child. I just wanted someone to support me and love me but that someone never appeared in my life.

Today was an after school and I sat by the window of my class, I got out my box cutter and held it to my bruised wrist but someone grabbed it away and threw it on the ground.

"Are you crazy!? What are you doing!?" a guy said as I looked up to see the most handsome face ever.

"N- no..." I said as he looked furious with me, he looked so scared that it made me feel...sorry for doing that.

"Come on, there might be a reason why you did that..." he said as he took out a chair and sat in front of me.


I explained it to him as I looked down as I hoped for him to not laugh and he didn't, instead he was very understanding and I was happy.

"Well, I need to go. See you in school-"

"But I've never seen you around..."

"Oh~ That's because I'm going to transfer here tomorrow" he smiled as I nodded and let him leave.

"Bye..." I said as he reappeared and waved a goodbye, what a weird guy.


"Hello! My names Chwe Hansol and I hope we get along!" my jaws dropped and I let go of my pencil. Crap he's now in my class? Oh no, that means the empty desk beside me-

"Hansol, you may sit beside Dana. Dana can you please put your hand up??" the teacher asked as I put it up very hesitantly.

He sat next to me and smiled.

"Hey, so Dana's your name..." he whispered as I smiled. He's not a bad person.

Lunch came pretty quickly and he sat with me and talked about a lot of stuff which made me interested in him and maybe fall in love with him? But of course he would not feel the same as me...this makes me so negative.


Weeks have passed and my love for him became stronger.

"Hey! Ummm, Dana-....never mind...." he's been acting extremely weird these days he's been wanting to say something but he just wouldn't spit it out so I got angry.

"Just say it! What do you want, Hansol?" I groaned as he sighed.

"I like you...a lot. You make me happy, you make me laugh and you're different from other girls...very special. And your smile can make my day. I'm saying the truth, Dana so will you be my girlfriend??" he said as he looked into my eyes with sincerity.

"Yes!" I exclaimed as he smiled and hugged me.

"I love you Dana..."

"I love you too, Hansol" he said as he gave me a sweet kiss, the best kiss.

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