Minghao (soyeon76)

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I was walking around in the school building drowning in boredom during our weird festival. This happenes every year, teachers let the students build game stations and things but I'm not interested so Ii kept walking around until someone forcibly grabbed both shoulders and made me face a small door.

"This is a place of freedom. You can have as much as you want in here"

"But-" the masked guy cut me off and pushed me in making me tumble down a black slide down into a room screaming loudly.

I plopped down and wandered around the colorful place but there was only one way out, I cautiously walked into the narrow lane and walked along the place and quickly noticed that this place was a...maze.


Time was ticking and I quit a hell of along time ago...

30 minutes ago...

"AH HELL NAH HECK THIS IM OUT!" I shouted and plopped down on to the ground dead.

Yeah...that's what happened...ha..ha..ha. 

"Excuse me? Are you lost?" I looked up and found a handsome guy, smiling at me.




"Don't you hear anything??" he asked making me nervous. If he heard my heart I'm going to die.

"N- no..." I stuttered as heat arose onto my cheeks.

"Do you know the way out? A psycho pushed me in here, I shall kill him when I get out..." I glared at the floor as I heard a deep chuckle coming from him making me soften my I-will-kill-him attitude.

"Me too. I will help you to kill him XD. I've been here for hours. Just like you I quit and did a peace out to the world but I cracked the code and know how to get out...it's just that the way out of this maze is kind of...complicated."


I was in a daze, just what's at the end making him uncomfortable? But my thoughts stopped as this guy held my wrist and ran through the maze, and I don't even know his name.


We stopped in front of a door and I was about to swung it open but he stopped me. Ii looked at him in surprise, why did he stop me?

I took a peek through the random key hole and saw a glimpse of something...i don't know.

I looked around and found the guy pull me in out of the door and we were outside.

I looked around only to see a beautiful garden outside of the school, did this place exist? I've never seen something in the school area.

"Hey Yhannie..."

"How did you know my name?"

"Well~ I'm your secret admirer and...this whole scene was created by me."

"What why!?"

"To show this" He pointed up from where we came out of and on the windows of the school it had one letter in each that spelled up to...

"Will you...be my girlfriend...wait..." I turned back to the guy and he held up a sign with a grin up to his ears.

"From...Minghao. Yes or no please circle.." he handed me a marker and I drew a circle on the "yes" making him relieved.

"EEEKKKK THANK YOU SO MUCH YHANNIE! I WILL LOVE YOU UNTIL THE END! I LOVE YOU" He screamed or more like fanboyed the moment and hugged me tightly swinging me around as the other students looked at us like mental hospital patients.

"Haahhaa I love you too"

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