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"So class, before I let you dismiss from school _____ will be handing back your exam marks" the teacher said as she handed me, the class president the exam papers.

I just handed them out and mine was obviously perfect, again. Right after I finished handing the exams out everyone dashed out and some were sighing and some were squealing with their marks until my eyes laid on Hoshi who was stopped by the teacher.

I looked away and carried on packing up until I noticed that there was only me, Hoshi and the teacher left in the class.

"______!" I looked up as the teacher called out my name.

"Yes madam..."

"Can you help Hoshi for reviewing this again because his score is below average??"

"Uummm sure!" you said as you glanced at him who just stared at you.

"But...umm we're having a retake in a week so you need to start today...is that alright with you _____??" she asked as I just nodded.

"Thank you so much darling!" she smiled as she stormed out of the class leaving us two awkwardly standing in the middle of the class.

".....What are we waiting for, let's go!" I said as I grabbed both of our backpacks and rushed in the library but I noticed how quiet Hoshi is, weird, he's normally very loud but this time he didn't say a word.

30 minutes later...

30 minutes has passed and Hoshi didn't even listen to any of my words, when I ask something all he would say is "huh" "what?" I don't even know who he is anymore. He used to be so much clever then this.

"Hoshi??" I waved my hand in front of his blanked out face.


"Haaa~ who is she??"

"What are you talking about ____?" he asked really confused.

"You haven't been paying much attention on the work, plus, you got a 42 on your test which means you don't pay attention to your test but "that girl". I know you're really smart Hoshi, you always get the top 5 but now you're getting a top 50." I said as he looked down probably really embarrassed.


"Well....say something!?" I shrieked as he flinched and finally looked up.

"I like you ____, I haven't been able to do anything since I laid my eyes on you. I became someone different and it's all your fault" he was pretty sincere in the first sentence but when he was ending his confession he did a pout and crossed his arms as he moved his body to the side while he blushed.

I blushed myself, the boy I've like since middle school likes me back!? OMG OMG OMG OMG! Okay...okay.... _____! Calm down!

"H- Hoshi-yah....mianhae...." I apologized as he chuckled.

"It's okay...anyways, I already know all this stuff I just blanked out for too long so I rushed it." he said as he looked straight at me.

"Sooo~ what's your answer??" I looked up and blankly stared at it until I remembered what kind of answer he wanted.

"Yes, I like you too....but I liked you longer then you did" I said as I quickly packed up and speed walked out of the library and school.

"YAHH!!!!!" that's all I heard from him until he pulled me into a hug making me drop my bag on the ground.

"Don't...run...like..that..." he was catching his breathe as I ignored that fact.

"I wasn't running"

"Whatever...don't speed walk away from meh~" he said as he pecked my forehead.



We then started to walk home. Soon we came to my house and we exchanged stares.

"I love you..."

"I love you too Hoshi-yah..."

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now