S.coups (ssohyun_ppark)

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I was walking to school and I was super excited cuz it's the last day of school for this year!~ But...I don't have a sibling so I'll be bored for a long~ time. I was spacing out until someone scared me from the back.


"Ahh!" I jumped as I turned around and pouted at the sight of my friend S.coups laughing at me like he's seen a hippo wearing a ballerina costume. Hmph!


"Ah~ Wae, it's funny!" he chuckled as I flicked his forehead.


"You asked for it" I said as I walked away leaving him behind.

"Yah! Let's go play at your house, I'm free for two months!" he shouted as he came running and linking his arm with mine which I gave him a disgusted look.

"Are you a girl? Why are you linking your arm with mine" I giggled as he pouted.

"Hmph, let's just go to school" he said as I nodded.

"Okay, let's go to my house. My parents are going to have a business trip for a week so we can play like we did in 4th grade" I said as he jumped around the place and gave me a hug which made me grin like an idiot.

"WOOHOOO!" he shouted as he got stares from other students that he doesn't really mind.


After school we ran out as we were laughing at ourselves for looking like a excited 6 year old going to Disney  land.

We rushed past all the houses as we stopped at my house, I opened the door and looked outside to find it a little gloomy. Great! Had to ruin a perfect start of summer vacation.


We were just happily playing games until a thunder roared near us which made me jump in fear.

"Gwenchana!?" coups shouted as he chased after me who locked herself in the closet.

"So hyun-ah! It's okay you can come out now. I'm here for you!" he shouted as he knocked on the closet but as soon as another thunder hit I screamed and held on to myself.

"*sigh*...I'm going to leave..." he said as my eyes widened and I flung open the door and held onto his shirt.

"Please don't...." I whispered as tears streamed down my face.

"It's going to be alright...don't cry..." he said as he gave me a hug and plugged my ears.

He laid me down on my bed and hugged me as he patted my head every time a lightning struck near us.

I hugged him tight, taking in his scent as he caressed my hair. Even if my sorrowful memories of the past came back...I'm okay as long as he's here...like he was then.

Flash back...

I was on the car licking my lollipop as I ignored the lightening outside of the car since I felt safe with my parents.

"We're almost there so hyun-ah...just wai-"

my mom never finished her sentence, that was the last time I saw her, felt her, heard her...and was with her as long as my dad...I woke up in the pouring rain crying.

"Mom!!!!! Dad!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!....please...." I cried until I saw flash lights.

"Are you okay!" I heard two screams as I almost went unconscious until a boy held me in his arms as a long and tall man was trying to wake up my parents.

"Are you okay....so hyun-ah..." he said as I looked at him.

"Please save my parents..." was the last thing I said until I blanked out.

Flash back ending....

I held onto him, if I lose him I'm going to be losing the world.

"It's okay...I'm going to be here for you. I won't go anywhere..." he assured me with a faint smile as I nodded and fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping, I looked up and found coups still asleep. Well...that was one of the worst night of my life but it's also the best since I was sleeping in his arms!

I stood up and tip toed over to the door and opened it. After I closed it I went on to clear up my messy hair and puffy eyes.

I came back out and started to cook breakfast until arms were surrounding me.

"Good morning, did you have a good sleep??" coups yawned as I smiled.


"Well, I'm sad..."


"Cuz the thunderstorm made me forget of what I was going to say..." he pouted as I gave him his dish and sat down on the table across from him.

"...I forgot our spoon.....What were you going to say?" I asked as I went over to grab our spoon in the kitchen.

"That I like you~" he said as he followed me around like a puppy-....he what!? I turned around and faced him as I gave him my confused look.

"Like this!" he smiled as he gave me a peck on the lips.

"Now say something!" he said as he shook my arms while I was in a daze...he just kissed me.

"I....like you too" I blushed as he gave me a happy hug.

"But the thunderstorm blocked me from saying it...I hate you thunderstorm" he pouted as I gasped which made him jump.

"But if it wasn't from the thunderstorm we wouldn't have met..." I said as he thought for a minute.

"Oh yeah~ hehe sowwy" he laughed as I just shook my head.

"Silly kid..." I sighed as he hugged me from the back and pecked my neck.

"I love you So hyun-ah.."

"I love you too coups" I smiled as I gave him a peck on the cheeks.

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