Dino (pageseventeen)

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Dino's P.O.V.

Today, again! I got these presents and touching notes from a "secret admirer". I wonder who she is....if it's my crush then I'm more then happy but she doesn't notice guys so I guess she's not...*sigh*

"Ohhh~ Secret admire again~" Hansol hyung teased me as the others gave me a cheeky and annoying smirk as they opened their gifts from fans.

I rolled my eyes at them and silently smiled at the small note. I really do hope it's from her...

Kira's P.O.V.

Did he get it? I hope he did. I've been giving him these small notes and gifts ever since he first debuted. I always wanted to give them to him way before his debut but back then there were no gifts given and he would know it's me but now my gifts can blend with others from fans.

I admire him and I love him but I never have a chance with him. I mean come on! This is not a drama, fanfic (it is gal XD) or even a fairy tale so drop that thun thun and get back on track lady. He's seen girl idols and dey hot, even I admit it. They are beautiful, skinny, and has talent while I'm sitting here looking like a potato, no freakin talent and I look like dog poo.

I heaved another sigh as I watched him from afar in our class as the girls were swooning over him and engulf his skinny body.

I totally have no chance with him...

I was in a deep daze until the bell rang for another end of the day in school.

I was slowly packing up and I can tell  I was hella tired, hope I don't turn into a wush panda Tao. Yeah...I watch too much kpop....-_-...it's an addiction.

"Did you know on Sunday the managers are going to take our gifts and letters again? I should get mine ready for Seungkwan oppa!"

"Oh really? I should make something for S.coups oppa..." I overheard their conversation and smiled.

Guess I should get mine ready too...kekeke


It's Sunday and I was heading to the boxes of where the managers left them, I was putting it in until  I heard a familiar voice "Kira?" I froze and turned around hiding the note behind my back "Oh...hey D-  Dino..." I whispered as he gave me his heart melting smile (and I did melted so stop watching and help me up I'm like cheese right now!).

"What's that behind y-"

"Ohh! Look at the time! haha I need to go!" I said out loud as I secretly slipped the gift in the box and smiled at him while waving as I ran away, fast.

CRAP!!!!!!!!!! I hope he doesn't know -_-"

Dino's P.O.V.

I watched her run away and titled my head in confusion...weird....

I turned around just to check up on the box and it was half way there but a blue envelope was on the ground and I recognized the hand writing as I read "secret admirer" with a heart. I slowly picked it up and turned around as she went further away from my sight.

No way it's from...

Kira's P.O.V.

Monday...ewwww I hate Mondays XD 

I laughed at my own thought as I went out for recess but was only caught like a fish by the arms and pushed into another empty music room.

"What the heck!?" I stopped my shouting as I looked up and saw Dino with a cute smile.

"H- hey D- Di..no..." Aish! Why do I have to stutter now!?

"Hey Kira" he smiled again as he showed me a note- wait that's the note- no heckin way....jesus save me from this moment right now.

"Why are you holding that?" I gulped as he stood me up grasping my hands in his.

"Are you~ my secret admirer?"

"N- n...o no hahahaa" I laughed as I cursed in my head.


"I'm not ly-" before I can finish my lie he crashed his lips onto mine, wow this 17 year old.

He pulled away and grinned at me.

"Now that'll shut you up for a while. Kira, you don't have to be so shy! I love you! I've always did, you make me feel special you are the reason I smile everyday and look forward to going to school even after all the tiring idol things but then your the first to make me notice that I smile for no reason. You know...when I smile at someone there was always a reason but there's really none when I look at you, my lips just curve up. SO....will you stay with me and do the honor of being my...girlfriend?" he asked making me shocked.

After another silent stares I smiled and nodded my head furiously hugging him.

"I love you too" I grinned as he patted my head slowly, well...this is going to be a exciting life for me...right from now on :)

*ring ring*

recess ended and we headed back to class like we've always did...except being hand in hand with each other as we walk through the gasping crowd.

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