Woozi (EomieSebastian)

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I am on the plane with the seventeen, I'm following them on their tour and it's super fun to be together. We'll be staying for a while so the company rented a small apartment for us.


We landed shortly after and it was nice over here in ______. We went in the van and played games as we awaited for the arrival to the apartment.


We soon arrived so I made dinner for the boys and went up the stairs and into Woozi's room and he was sleeping.

I sat next to him and watched him sleep until he hugged me.

"No disturbance-"

"Noona!!!!!!!! HYUNGS ARE BULLYING ME HELP!" Dino shouted as I laughed and left Woozi groaning and kicking the pillow.

"Promise you'll come back" he lazily said with his hoarse/tired voice and stuck out his picky finger.

"I promise" I smiled as I finished the promise an went downstairs.

"Aigo, Dino look at you!" I laughed as I looked at him with his messed and dirty clothes...food stain I'm sure.

"Mehe~ help me~" he whined as I smiled and shooed the others away.

"But no-" 

"You guys, it might be fun to play around and...ruin your dongsaeng but this is not fun for him so you guys go back to your room and give him some lone time" I scolded as I pushed the lazy boys away and cleaned Dino's dirtied face.

"Now, go take a bath as I wash these" I said as he nodded and gave me a hug.

"Thank you noona!" he exclaimed as he skipped towards the washroom which made me laugh, such a cutie.

After I threw Dino's clothes (someone needs to request for Dino XD I'm trying to make my own but...requests are first~) in the washing machine I rushed over to Woozi's room and found him soundly sleeping again but this time he was deeply into sleeping so I just slept with him.


We were sleeping until I got a call from my auntie. I quietly left the room and went over to the quiet and chilly kitchen to answer the call.


"Eomie! Your mom hurt her back and she's not well! Where are you!?" I fully woke up to that message from auntie...mom...is hurt...but I'm in _____.

"Auntie, I'm in _____ and I have to stay for a while...." I said as I kept on walking around the place as I got worried and pale.

"It's okay your sister and we are all here, she will wake up in a while so we need to go. Don't worry and come back safe!" she said as we bid a goodbye but I really don't feel well...is my mom really going to be okay??

I stayed up all night so I went back to bed at 6....we need to go for the concert at 9...ugh.


These past few days I woke up early and cooked for them and slept through most of the day and if it's the fan sign I would just doze off, I'm too over protective of my mom since the day I became in charge of the family without a dad.

Woozi's P.O.V.

I'm really worried about Eomie, she's been acting weird and she's not her energetic, out going, crazy self. We came back from the concert and as usual she was sleeping on the kitchen table, I walked up to her and sighed as the others did the same.

"Noona looks sad" the maknae's pouted as I just watched her.

"It's going to be alright bro" S.coups said as he patted my shoulder and left as everyone did the same. I need to know what's going on....she needs to tell me.

Eomie's P.O.V.

I woke up to the cold breeze from the living room, I sat up and sat on the couch as I stared at the quiet world outside as someone sat next to me.

"Eomie-ah...." I got startled so I looked at Woozi with tired eyes s he looked even more tired then I am.

"N- nae?" I stuttered as he sat right next to me.

"Why are you ignoring us...do you not like me anymore?" he asked as tears were forming in his eyes which made me panic, he's never cried in my life.

"No, no, no...please don't cry. I still love you" I said as I gave him a hug before he would start crying.

"Then why......are you so sad?" that question hit me, I held in my sob and pushed away the fact that my throat was stinging and dry.

"I was worried about my mom...my auntie said that she hurt her back and she took a surgery..." I said as he pushed away from me with wide eyes...but it looked somewhat hurt.

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your boyfriend" he said as his voice broke and nothing came out of it anymore.

"I'm sorry..."

"If something happens you need to tell me no matter what...okay?"


"I love you Eomie...and I don't want to loose you..."

"I love you too, Woozi-ah" I said as we shared a kiss.

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