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You've liked Wonwoo for a long time and you were curious to know who he likes, maybe it was you but your smile faded soon after he said this.


"Yes??" he said as he had popcorn in his mouth while he stopped looking at the movie you two were watching at your house.

"Do you have someone you like??" you were eager to ask him that question so he just laughed.

"No, I have someone that I really love" he smiled which made you frown, you were on the verge of crying but you just smiled because as long as he's happy then your happy.

"GO call her! I want to know!" you "exclaimed" as you gazed at him who was blushing.

"Okay..." he took out his phone and dialed the number but instead your phone interrupted.

"Oh, sorry Wonwoo-ah..." you apologized as you picked it up and moved to the kitchen.


"I love you ____" your eyes widened and you looked up at Wonwoo who was right in front of you.

"Wonwoo...." your voice broke as a tear rolled down your eyes.

"I love you ____, I've always have" he smiled as he wiped your tear and hugged you, you hugged him back and smiled as another tear rolled down your eyes.

"I love you too Wonwoo-yah..." you confessed as he held up your chin and gave you a warm kiss.


I'm so so so sorry that it's so short but I just had an idea so here it is!

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now