Seungkwan (bangtan_feels)

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I was sitting down on on the park bench as I was crying quite harshly since my boyfriend broke up with me, I did love him and he was my first love too.

I was ignoring the stares from all the people until a little puppy pounced around on my lap.

"W- what?" I said confused as hands grasped the puppy away from me, I followed the hand and looked up at a chubby cheeked man with a worried face.

"A- are you okay?" I silently shook my head as he frowned a bit.

"What happened to a beautiful lady like you?" he asked as I showed him a small smile.

"My boyfriend broke up with me..." I sighed as I wiped my tears away.

"Sorry" he whispered as he played with the small white fluffy puppy.

"It's not your fault" I said with my dry voice as I sat back and admired the view from the bench, on a beautiful day why does this happen to me?

After that we shared conversations but soon the sky darkened so we had to part on our own ways.

"Can we umm exchange numbers?" I asked as he nodded and so we exchanged numbers and waved a goodbye at the gates of the park as we separated our ways.

This might be a good start of a friendship...I smiled to myself as I kind of..forgot about my ex-boyfriend XD ahahahha don't judge meh.


A year has passed since then and I decided that this super woman should confess to Seungkwan.

"Hey Seungkwan-ah!"

"Yeah!" he smiled as I grinned at him, so hawt~

"I want to confess something"

"Go on"

"I like you" I confessed to him as he crashed his lips on mine.

"I like you too, Jocelyn" he blushed as I hid my face in his chest.

Awwww so embarrassing....

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