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I was walking from my part time job and it's 11 pm, I felt nervous as I walked passed the dark alley hoping there wasn't anyone near me until someone grabbed me from the waist and slammed me against the wall.

"Stay quiet!" he threatened as tried to kiss me but I fidgeted around to break free until he took out a knife.

Please help me, someone! Please!

I closed my eyes and stayed shut until someone rushed in and punched him until he became unconscious.

I fell in to the ground in shock as he held my hand and ran to the park near my house.

"A-...are you okay-...." he huffed as I nodded as tears welled up in my eyes, I almost got molested...

"It's okay..." he said as he hugged me before I fell from crying, he stayed with me and calmed me down.

"Thank you..." I whispered as I can hear him smile.

"No problem, call me when something bad happens. My names Jeonghan, yours?" he said as he handed you a piece of paper and stood you up.


"Nice name. Now it's late so you should go back...should I take you home??"

"Y- yes..." you shyly replied as you walked with him to your house after 7 minutes.

"Oh! I live right across from you! That house with the swing is my house" he smiled as he pointed to the house right in front of yours.

"Hahaha, we can talk sometime. I can treat you something, thank you so much for helping me" I smiled as he blushed and nodded.


After a bid of goodbye I took a shower and came back out, 1 am huh? I thought as I looked out the window until something came flying on my desk, a paper air plane.

I opened it up and found a note "meet me as 5 tomorrow in front of your house, I wish to go out with you more" it said as you blushed and looked outside to see him waving at you.

You waved back and sent him an air plane that said "okay, I'm happy to go out with you more often"....and that was the start of our relationship.

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now