Joshua (kpopforeve1)

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For you kpopforeve1!

Joshua has finally finished his tour and you were just sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Jagiy-!" he cut you off with a push from your hug.

"W- what's wrong..." you said as he glared at you.

"You cheated on me!" he shouted as he took out his phone and searched for something.

"What are you talking about!?"

"Didn't you see the heckin news!?" he shouted as he shoved his phone in my face.

The headline said "Rookie Joshua's girlfriend cheated on him!" and there were photo's of you and your cousin in the mall.

"Joshua, I'm so sorry let me expl-"



"Get.Out!" he shouted as he pushed you out of the house.

"Wait Joshua!" you shouted out as he slammed the door closed. You cried yourself as you walked to your cousin's house.

"Noona! Did you see the news-"

"What's wrong!?"

"He dumped me..."

He hugged you very tightly.

"It's going to be okay....noona...I will call the reporter..."

Joshua's P.O.V.

I slammed my bag at the wall and sat on the couch, I turned the TV on and the news came on about me and her.

"This was a big misunderstanding, lady ______ was with her cousin _____ at that time in _______ mall." I stopped and my time stopped. My heart started to beat fast, I misunderstood her...

I ran out of my house and ran to her house, park, school, friend's house and she was no where to be found but my phone was now ringing.

"H...hello???" I tried to catch my breathe but I start running as soon as I heard...

"Hello...this is _____'s cousin and she fell asleep in my house...." he told me his address and right after that I rushed to his house.

When I arrived I saw a handsome tall person in front of me, we bowed and he lead me to her who had puffy eyes.

"Please take care of her, she's not a person that would cheat on someone she loves..." he said as I nodded.

"I'm sorry..." I said as I pulled her on my back.

"It was nice meeting you, I promise I will treat her well" I smiled as he sighed.

We bid a goodbye and I walked to my house and laid her on our bed. I feel so bad that I misunderstood her, how could I lose myself so easily. I mean we've dated for 3 years and I should trust her more.

________'s P.O.V.

I woke up and sat up but I was in a room, me and Joshua's room. I was about to leave the bed but something was around my waist, I looked to my left and found Joshua staring at me.

"Baby, I'm so sorry...." he confessed as he stood up in a tuxedo. He kneel down on the floor and took out a ring.

"_____, we've known each other for 5 years and I apologize for my behaviour, it was scary for me to lose you so I lost my temper. So I want you to marry me, I want you to be beside me forever and I want us to believe and trust each other more. Now...what do you say??" he asked as tears threatened to come out, I had my hands covering my mouth and a nodded furiously.

"Yes, yes Joshua..." you cried as he giggled and hugged you.

"I love you _____"

"I love you too Joshua..." you said as you two shared a warm kiss.

Hello! This is for kpopforeve1 who requested a Joshua imagine. My first request so the story might be bad but I hope you enjoyed it!

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