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"Yes mom, yeah I'm on my way. Okay. Bye" you ended the call between your mom and got on the elevator.

It was slowly going down and you just scrolled down on instagram and didn't mind the young man beside you until...


The elevator stopped but you didn't panic because you didn't have any phobia except for the man beside you.

"Are you okay!?" you looked at his sweaty face and his shaky hands.

"I'm ok- *hiccup*....it's f- *hiccup*"

You hurried to the alarm button and pressed on it "there's an elevator stuck here! Please come quickly!" you shouted out at the speaker and watched him slide down on to the ground.

"Hey!" you rushed to him and caught him from banging his head on the handle.

"What's wrong!?"

"I- I'm claustrophobic..." he stuttered as your eyes widened. You held his hands and leaned yourself onto the wall as you caressed his soft hair.

"It's going to be okay....umm-"

"L- Lee Ch *hiccup* an..." he shivered as he made himself more comfortable in your grip.

Hours has passed and his breathing got harder every time. You looked at him and wiped his sweat, but that didn't do any better. He looked paler and extremely scared of the four walls that's surrounding him.

*It's better if he just sleeps...* you thought as you tried to come up with a way to make him fall asleep. Ah!

You sang Lavender Blue, a lullaby for him with your angelic voice while you closed your eyes and patted his shoulder (song from the movie Cinderella).

Lavender's blue,

Dilly dilly,

Lavenders green.

When I am King,

Dilly dilly,

You shall be Queen.

Who told you so,

Dilly dilly,

Who told you so?

T'was my own heart,

Dilly dilly,

That told me so.

Call up your men,

Dilly dilly,

Set them to work.

Some to the plow,

Dilly dilly,

Some to the fork.

Some to make hay,

Dilly dilly,

Some to cut corn.

While you and I,

Dilly dilly,

Keep ourselves warm.

Lavender's green,

Dilly dilly,

Lavender's blue.

If you love me,

Dilly dilly,

I will love you.

Let the birds sing,

Dilly dilly,

Let the lambs play.

We shall be safe,

Dilly dilly,

Out of harms way.

I love to dance,

Dilly dilly,

I love to sing.

When I am Queen,

Dilly dilly,

You'll be my King.

Who told me so,

Dilly dilly,

Who told me so?

I told myself,

Dilly dilly,

I told me so.

You opened your eyes again and found him asleep. He looked like an angel.

Another hour has passed and you heard people calling out both your names and the fire men opening the door up.

"Are you people okay!?" they shouted but you put your finger on your lips.

"Shhh" they slowly nodded and took you two out but before you lead him to his mother you shoved your number in his wallet and smiled at his parents as they bowed.

"Thank you, thank you so much for saving him. He could have lost his life if it wasn't for you" they consistently bowed to you.

"No problem" you bowed back until your mom rushed to you and hit your arm.


"Yah! You know how worried I was!? Come here!" she pulled you to your apartment and who knows what happened (only you know your mom well when she gets mad and worried).

Dino's P.O.V.

I woke up in my room and found my worried parents in front of my bed.

"Are you okay hunnie!" they shouted at me as I just nodded.

"Thank god...come down stairs I have your favorite dinner waiting for you" they smiled as they left my room.

"Nae umma!" I shouted back as I got off my bed with a huge grin. *She was so nice...* was all I can think of until I frowned * I don't have her number...* I sadly whispered as I took out my wallet to set it on my table until something fell out of it.

"Mmmm? Mwoji?? (what could this be?)" I held it up and opened it. "call me. *** *** ****" I grinned at it and immediately phoned her.

"Yeoboseyo??" I smiled as I heard her angelic voice.

"Annyeonghaseyo, ju Lee Chan-ee ehyo"

"Ahh~ annyeonhaseyo!"

And from then our love story started...

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