Heck my life...*note*

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Just came back from spending time with my BFF, family-like friend, crush with his mom and my mom. Why we met? It's because I'm leaving Canada in exactly 5 days and we all wanted to spend time with them, with each other.

We ate jjajangmyeon, jjamppong and tangsuyuk (not correct spelling). Played at the cafe (outside cuz we bored), and then lastly went to our school and played there.

It was fine and I cried a bit at the cafe but right when they drove us back home...we all hugged and burst into tears, especially my friend.

I can't believe I'm leaving, it seems like a joke and makes me laugh at it. Bull crap. I've known him since the start of kindergarten until now and wth is happening!?

I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!!!!!!! *le cries*

I can't....this is too much for my heart. When  I departed from my friends I didn't cry that much but when I departed with him...all my tears escaped my eyes and he cried the most out of the 4 of us (two moms and both of us).

And Korea is not a very free and nature like place so...lots of homework and buildings..uhhhh........

Wish me luck so I can see him next year and wish me luck that I would survive Korea *cross fingers*

P.S. You guys would be like "OMG YOUR GOING TO BE CLOSE TO OPPA!" but I'm 5 hours away since Busan is my families hometown unlike my crush who's a Seoul boy.


REQUESTS ARE CLOSED! Please, this is so hard for me to keep up with :(

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