Hoshi (EomieSebastian)

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"Hoshi-ah, I'm moving away...." me, Eomie. I'm 12 and I have to leave to Korea because of my dad's work and I don't want to leave my friends....especially Hoshi, my elementary crush of 5 years.

Two hours ago...

Right when I got to school I grabbed my best friend (boy).

"I'm moving" I said as he laughed.

"Shut Up!" he laughed as I just smiled.

"I'm serious....I need to move in about August." I said as his jaws dropped as he told our other friends and they were just asking me questions and giving me hugs.


"Don't go~"


"You should tell Hoshi too!"

"My mom told me not to since-"

"Just do it!"


He looked at me in awe.




It was the last day of school and tomorrow is the grade 7 graduation and we have no option but to just go for the grad even if we're only in 6th grade.

I went out and was talking with Hoshi.

"Oh! My mom suggested us to go to the amusement park this summer before I go" I said as he smiled and nodded as he looked up at me, yes I'm taller then him but boys grow a little later so I don't care.


Today's the day I'm leaving, I got to the airport and found Hoshi and her parents there crying.

"I'm going to go find you okay?" Hoshi said as he hugged each other as I was crying.

"Okay" I finally smiled as we bid a goodbye, I looked back and smiled as I walked away with my parents. My heart is breaking and I can't breathe but I'm happy that I met my friends, and was born in this wonderful place and got to learn better with more education. I should be happy...

Years later....

I was walking around the cherry blossom festival, Korea is popular for that too.

I looked up at the cherry blossom trees as I bumped into a boy.

"I'm so sorry!" I said as I looked up at him.


"Hoshi!!!" we both shouted as we ignored the stared from other people.

"Omg..." I said as I hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much..." I whispered as he hugged me even tighter.

"I was looking for you...and I finally found you" he smiled as I looked at him.

"Wow, you've grown taller. Remember you said that you would grow taller, and you did get taller then me" I smiled as he proudly nodded.

We started to walk along side as we talked about what happened since I left.

An hour has passed and the sun was now setting, I stopped walking as I took a breathe and grinned at Hoshi. My heart still beats for him.

"You know...Eomie-ah I wanted to tell you this" he smiled as he grabbed both my hands which made me jump.


"I love you" he smiled as I hugged him.

"I love you too" I smiled as tears streamed down my face until he stopped it with a kiss.


Hello! So, Again. I got some idea's from my story and I hope you enjoyed it!

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