Your bias

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"Annyeonghaseyo! My names _____ and I'm going to be your new manager. This will be my first job as a manager so please take care of me!" I cheerfully introduced myself while I bowed at the new rookie group, seventeen.

"Annyeong~ Welcome here ____!" They welcomed me with positive voices as I slowly examined all 13 faces. Handsome, cute, pretty, sassy, etc. Too much heavenly faces.

Actually, to start off I got this job from my sister who works as a designer for Pledis. She introduced me here since she knew I was broke *cough* from buying too much kpop merch *cough* *cough*.

And when I heard about the job I was screaming around the whole neighborhood (and got bundles of complaints from people...and a crying baby) cuz IT'S SEVENTEEN AND I COULDN'T HELP IT! My bias is ____ and just thinking of working with him is just too overwhelming, he's hot enough to get me a fever.

"So ____. Your first job is to drive them over to ______'s fansign and at about 6 pm carefully bring them back to the dorm okay?" he said handing me a schedule plan.

"Okay." I bowed at the staff as they ran off to somewhere leaving me with these bae's.

My heart was thumping and I was completely dazed as I turned around and faced gods.

"Okay now...guys we should get going in the van now" I smiled as they nodded and took the lead for me. 

How embarrassing it was. I was their manager but I have no idea about anything of the entertainment or the actual job, I felt like I was being babysit by 13 boys.

I looked down on my feet and followed behind a pair of shoes which were one of the boys and waited to get to the van.

"Hey ____. Don't be embarrassed to know nothing about this job. We've seen worse managers from other sunbae's (kind of like senpai in korean or a higher known person)." I looked down at the blue converse and trailed my view up to see _____'s face.

"Oh...thanks" I gave him a very nervous smile as he patted my head.

"Now we're here. Please take good care of us ____" he grinned as he gave me a short bow and opened the door for me.

Wow....a total gentlemen (if your bias is seungkwan like mine then....girl I don't know anymore.)

I thanked him and got in while hurriedly fishing out the car keys one of the the staff gave me.

Once I found it I inserted it in the key hole and started the engine and drove out  of the parking lot to the outside.


We all listened to songs, danced in the car, and talked- more like screaming in the car. We got along well in that 40 minute drive.

We were finally there and we went through the back door getting a glimpse of the line of fans out there waiting for the fansign to open in 10 minutes. Looking over there made my heart skip, I would have been there if I didn't take this job to be honest XD

We went in a room and got them fixed up again since they messed themselves up while playing around in the van. I waited outside of the door and when they came out I pushed them towards the main place where theirs the fans waiting outside.

They sat down on the chairs and got their pens ready while I stood behind ______ as fans rushed in and was being sorted by the guards.

I checked each fan so they wouldn't do anything or ask the ridiculous for their bias's but my eyes kept on focusing on _____. Like the atmosphere is all warm and burning lava right now and I can't hear anything but my heart beat.

Might look like a creeper right now lol XD


Hours passed and it was finally 6.

We left the fan sign after the boys said their goodbyes with the fans. We got in the van and  drove them back to the dorm except it was much more quiet cuz most of them were asleep or worn out.

"Guys, wake up we're at the dorm" I woke them one by one and they said goodbye to me and rushed up to their door except for one person.

"uhhh ______?" 

I looked behind myself and found _______ up close to me with a cheerful grin and he didn't look sleepy or worn out AT ALL.

"Yes?" I asked curious on what he was going to say.

"I- uhhh....a hug?"

he stuttered making me freeze in place and blush really hard like holy tapatio and Tabasco.

I smiled and nodded as he gave me a hug and he put something in my purse.

"What's that?"

"Nothing special. Now it's going to be late, should I take you home?"

"No no I'm fine." I blushed even more as he smiled and nodded.

"Bye, see you tomorrow" Ii waved a goodbye and rushed to go home. Good holy bible that my house was only 10 minutes away by walk.

"Bye~" he sang in a sweet voice and when I was distant from him I took out what he gave me and it was a paper....with his sign and his NUMBER?!?!?!?

I squeezed my own hands and squealed all the way home just to call me friend and fangirl with her.


____________'s P.O.V.

I contently watched her walk away but that moment was distracted by the boys.

"WE'RE REALLY TIRED! BUT YOU GO GLEN COCO ______!" they shouted from their main window of the dorm and I looked up at them and turned red.




I ran up the stairs and ruffly flung open the door and they were all squeezed in one corner while giggling and I ran over know....what I did.


But seriously I really am so excited to get to work! Maybe now there's another main reason I'm excited everyday to go to work.

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