S.coups (Nattalia97)

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"No!" I shouted out at Seungcheol, he wanted to do my makeup for fun. Ugh, I should have never shown him the "boyfriend does my makeup" video's....

I closed the door to our room and hid under our blanket as I felt the bed shaking and it's obviously coups's mass that made it shake.

He forced the blanket off me and flung it away and off the bed as he caught me from running away.

"Please, I can do better"

"Hahaha, yeah right you always make everything out of a joke and I don't want you to mess anything up" I said as he pouted and pleaded with his puppy face, which got me like ARGHHHHHHHHHHH

"FINE!" I shouted out as I covered my face to hide the redness as he did a victory dance and kissed my head as he skipped over to my makeup stuff...damn I regret everything from the morning where I showed him a funny video to wake him up and it was a video of the "boyfriend does my makeup" as I mentioned before.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" he cheered like a toddler as he forced me to sit down and so I did as fear covered my face which made him laugh.

Ahh~ It started and he was doing fine until I can feel he brush going somewhere else where it's not meant to be there and he had this troll face on which made my heart race quickly.

"Done!" he exclaimed as I opened my eyes as I was holding the mirror and he wrote stuff on my face and so I read it.

"I love you Nattalia...so will you marry me-" I turned back and found coups kneeling down with a black box that consists of a beautiful ring.

My eyes widened as he had a nervous smile and had his legs shaking a bit.

"Yes!" I shouted as i gave him a hug and smiled.

He pulled away and gave me a kiss and he put the ring on my finger and lead me to the bathroom.

"Now...let's clean your face!" he smiled as I laughed and washed my face with coups's help.

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now