S.coups (MaryYuTenSol)

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I was shopping with S.coups today and I'm very happy because he was very busy for the past month because of his...errands?

"Uumm I need to go for another errand...see you later" he said as he kissed my forehead which made me grin and blush really badly. I still feel like this even after 2 years of dating with coups, I'm really happy to be with him.a

"Bye~" I smiled as he left and didn't turn back once like he used to.

I happily hummed as I picked out some clothes and tried them each on.

S.coups P.O.V.

I kissed ____ a goodbye but of course I don't really feel anything, it's just a simple skinship. Nothing more.

I sighed as I walked out of the mall and went over to (girl enemy's name) house.

Your P.O.V.

I walked out until someone called me, I looked at the ID and it was E/N's sister my friend.


"Y/N! I just saw Seungcheol cheating on you!" my eyes widened as I prayed that she was joking.

"N- no way..."

"Then how can you believe this?" she said as she ended the call and after a second she sent me a picture....of Seungcheol kissing...E/N.

Tears ran down as the old memories suddenly disgusted me as I walked over to the place and he was still there kissing her as I saw a glimpse of my friend shouting at her sister.

I came up to her and slapped both of them, words wouldn't come out...I was so broken. I ran away as I kicked S.coups wanting to hide in the unknown.

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard shouts from S.coups but I hated everything about him now, I ignored him and locked the door to our house but of course he stopped and got in.

"Get ou-"

"Let me...back up..." he said as I rolled my eyes.

"Sure sure" I said as I watched him back his stuff up, I really ant to slap him 5 more times but I can't just do that. I still love him even after all this.

I spaced out until I heard a big sigh as the door was closed, he left.

I looked over to the door, it feels so cold without him...I looked down and walked over to the kitchen and tried to think of something to make until a warm hand touched my shoulder.

"__- _____...."  I turned around and looked at S.coups who had his head down. OKAY NOW I'M DONE! WTH DOES HE WANT!?

"I-m sorry. I was just getting a little bored of you...I didn't know you still meant this much to me, please take me back. I'll do anything please" he begged as I can hear his voice getting weaker as he looked up with puffy eyes, even puffier then mine.

"How am I supposed to take you back now?" I asked as he became silent.

"Give me a month. If you see me even looking at another girl then you can end it" he said as I can see his hands are together from the back.

"Okay okay...." I groaned as he smiled and thanked me. I hope he keeps his words.


A month has passed and S.coups actually kept his word, he never even looked at a girl and he was always the first to do something for me like texting.

I was walking back to our home to find out that it is now the end of the month where I need to give him an answer.

I walked in and found him standing in front of me a little nervous and I know what kind of answer he's looking for.

"I'll take you back now stop with that awkward-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence because he crashed his lips on mine.

"I truly do love you ____"

"I love you too" I smiled as he gave me a warm hug.


Request open, it's just a short break guys.

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