S.coups (snsd09)

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Oh my gawd~ I'm going to visit PLEDIS! My dad is a manger of a group called...umm seventy? Seven....teen? Yeah! Seventeen!

So I'm here in this company and I'm...pretty much lost. Ugh darn, I should have asked those staffs from before -_-

I was in deep thoughts of where to take place until I realized I bumped into someone and fell on my bottom.

"Oh! Seohyun! I finally found you! Come on! We need to go and meet them, they're going to a fan sign in a couple hours"

"Okay okay dad stop hurrying!" My dad began dragging me around the halls and forced the door open to be faced by.....kids? Seriously? These are idols?

Their literally throwing around food and hitting each other while screaming around the room like a toddler and they are idols?

I laughed a bit as I saw a flying water bottle hitting someone's head.

"Guys guys! What did I say with you guys being too loud and messy! Now I'll be out to go with the staffs for your fan sign so stay here and don't MOVE A MUSCLE!" My dad lectured them and left me here, I understand he's busy and he can't keep up with everything but HE CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME HERE-

"Who are you?" I looked up nervous as a guy came up looking me up and down.

"I'm your...managers d- daughter..." I shyly said while stuttering as they all smiled at me.


"DAMN she cute!"

"Hey boo I'm Seungkwan what's your?"

"U- ummm I'm Seo-"

"Are you really managers daughter!? Your so pretty and he isn't even handsome or pretty!"

"I heard that you rat!" my dad shouted out in the hallway as he passed by our door with chairs I guess for the idols to sit on for the fansign.

"Mi- mianhaeyo manager-nim XD" he laughed as my dad rolled his eyes and went off like the wind (Yehet power).

"I'm Se- Seohyun...if you guys want to know my name..." I said as I felt my tummy do flips a couple times.

"Hey Seohyun! Feel free here, we're not scary and I'm Joshua"

A gentlemen...

"Naega Hosh! (hahaha you guys might know where I got that from)"

Kind of loud...

"Hey Boo, I'm Seungkwan...Boo...."

What?? Kind of sassy?


a sweet guy i guess


-_- a outgoing toddler 

"Vernon (I live near an apartment and it's name is Hansol XD)"

Cool and he's probably a foreigner by his looks and his aura


very...feminine looking. Like almost fragile XD (sounds more like I'm talking about luhan)

"Jun- GUYS WOAH stop throwing those newspapers on the ground!!!" 

Jun? Is that his stage name? Well he did get cut off but he's handsome....*mental slap* (OMG I REALIZED NO ONE REALLY REUQESTED FOR JUN! XD)

"Wonwoo- You guys getcho ass back here, that food ain't going over on this face"

Wow he seems cold and...motherly or....

"Hey I'm Woozi" 


"And...H- hey...I'm..Dk- GET OFF ME WOOZI GODDAMMIT!"

Wow...an angry angel....AWESOME...

"And I'm the8" 

Awwww cute accent XD SO ADORABLE!

"And so there's 12 of you guys?"

"No there's coup-"

Before the8 finished his sentence someone pushed me out the way as I heard a big slam.

"Yah! Stop throwing that around the place okay!? Someone almost got hurt!"

I stood up confused as I saw a guy I haven't seen yell at the others who bowed continuously at me.

"Minahae! Gwenchana!?"

"Yeah yeah, gwenchana....don't worry" I said as I dusted off the imaginary dust off my bum and smiled at them.

And then they got back to their fun time as...this guy just stared at me.

"Oh! Hi...I'm S.coups, nice meeting you"

"Oh hey. I'm-"

"Seohyun... I was changing so I wasn't with these kids"

And he's...the most mature out of them all which I like.

"Ummm....so do you want to grab some coffee? And ditch away from these guys for a while?"

"Yeah sure"

I laughed as he made a face as the others were laughing and talking aloud.

He rolled his eyes at them and put on a hat and sunglasses before taking my hand making me flustered as he took away to the cafe near the company.

We went inside and he gestured me to sit somewhere while he orders us both some coffee.

I took a seat beside the windows as I admired him from afar, I was quite jealous since he was grinning at the girl and talking to her.

Why do I want to scribble eyeliner all over her face?? (sorry baekhyun, it's yours XD- OUCH OUCH SOMETHING'S BURNING BEHIND MY BACK).

Soon s.coups came back with a frown as he checked his time over and over.

"I'm sorry I think I need to go for the fansign." he frowned as I smiled, yeah I want him to stay longer but he's an idol and having him here with me for an hour is such a lucky thing.

"Okay. Bye~" I waved him a goodbye as he did the same and rushed out to the company.

I heaved a big sigh as I noticed how lonely it is to be alone, Ii never knew the big difference of having company or being alone in a cafe...

I looked out the window and drank up but was distracted by a colour on the bottom.

I hurried my few more sips and found a note on the bottom of the cup through the transparent cup.

I slowly took it off and read it.

Nice meeting you Seohyun. If it's okay with you I want to see you again on Thursday 5 pm ^^ hope to see you there. I'll be waiting for you :) -S.coups

I smiled at the note and looked over at the company standing taller then the others.

Yeah...Thursday will be the best day of life....

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