Joshua (ohjangmi)

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Me and Joshua went to a cafe after school to chill out. I got a nice tea and he got coffee.

"I'm going to the washroom Jang" Joshua said as he left you who just nodded until something popped up in your mind. Whenever I left he would play with my phone and save pictures of himself or leave a ringtone for me, and now it shall be my turn!

I smiled as I dug into his back pack and got out his phone but right when I turned it on I found a picture of me as his wall paper...why?? It just made me blush so I hid his phone and packed up to go outside.

"Jang? What are you doing??"

"Let's go to the park, this place is too crowded." I said as he just nodded and followed you outside, plan success.


We both sat on the bench but no one was near us so I took out his phone behind my back.

"Jang, did you see my phone anywhere??" he asked as he looked through his pockets.

"It's in my hand..."


"Cuz I wanted to ask you why my photo is your wall paper" I said as I held it up which made his eyes go wide.

"Give it back JANG!" he shouted as he tried to get it away from me but I was too fast at switching hands until he slipped on his foot and fell on top of me.

"Ouch...." we both winced in pain as had his phone in his hands.

"Got it-"

"Why??" I pouted as I stood up and cleaned myself.

"...Because I like you okay!?" he shouted as my eyes widened until he walked away and covered his face.

"Hey! Wait up!" I smiled as I ran up to him and caught him from running away.

"Can I say something please~" I pouted as he just nodded while he still had his hands on his face.

"I like you too" I giggled as he looked up with widened eyes and I took the chance to kiss his cheeks since I was right behind him.

"Then I can say I love you...I love you Jang" he smiled as I gave him a hug.

"I love you too Joshua..."

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