S.coups (NoonaGnav)

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I've liked this boy for...as long as I can remember. And now I'm in university, a new start and a fresh mind. I'm going to confess.

You might think I'm blinded by love but I'm aware of the sad happenings that's possible to happen for me, but...I love everything about him so you really can't say anything about it right?

His smile, pouts, and his cute mistakes, true self...just everything. I've known him until elementary and we know each other as best friends BUT! No one can tell me that I can do well on this one :).

....though....one thing scares me, he's had a lot of girlfriends...and all of them are very pretty, beyond our thinkings and when those girls are put beside girls like me....I look like a gollum from lord of the rings.

I heaved another loud sigh as I walked up to the cafe he worked at for part time, I've used to visit him all the time but this time everything looks different to me.

"Oh!  Hey _____!" he smiled one of his famous smiles as I grinned and walked up to him.

"Do you need anything?"

"I came here to talk to you" I said as he just nodded.

"Wait here, in about 10 minutes my shift is over" he said as I nodded with a smile and sat back on the chair as I secretly admired him from afar as he worked with the others...obviously girls were clingy and shtuff...especially this one girl that looks like a ulzzang.

I pouted at the sight and spaced out until I felt a poke on my cheeks as I unconsciously let out all the air from both my puffed cheeks.

"Aish...Seungcheol!" I shouted out as I chased him around the cafe.

"Mian mian. Please save me ____" he laughed as he crouched down and bowed until his forehead was touching the dirty floor.

"Aish...get up!" I laughed as I pulled him out of the cafe....to tell him my feelings for me.

"So...what did you want to tell me?" he asked as I gulped and faced him.

"I just wanted to confess that...I ummm like you" I said as his eyes widened and right when he was about to say something a girl rushed out of the cafe...that extremely clingy girl again...aish...

"Jagiya~ What are you doing?" she asked as my eyes widened...so he had a girlfriend...

Tears welled up as I looked back at Seungcheol who was looking at me with worrying eyes.


"No no...it's alright, I get it. Now I have to go so...see you later you love birds" I smiled my tears off as I turned back...not even once have I looked back since I didn't want to pain myself further.

How could fate fail me like this? I've liked him since elementary! I've always been nice to him and everyone else...and all I wanted in return was his feelings...I'm not asking for the world to be mine.

I cried my heart out in my empty house, this is so painful for me. 

My heart was bleeding and breaking into two, my eyes are puffing up, my voice is starting to go raspy, and I want to erase the memories and smiles of me and him...amnesia seems less painful...

And that's how I said bye to my first love...or unrequited love...

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