Wonwoo (Seventeeeeen143)

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I've been dating Wonwoo for 3 years and he's been coming home drunk these days and he has bad habits of it too.

Today he came extra late, 2 in the morning and he was drunk again. And right now I feel like just leaving him, but I couldn't because I still love him.

I took him up to the bedroom and left him in the bed but something stopped me from walking away.

"Shhh...don't tell her...it's just you and my secret...." now that broke my heart. Is he cheating on me?? I asked myself and I was totally convinced, I can't hang on to him forever. Of course one day we have to leave each other, and I love him so as long as he's happy I'm fine with it.

I packed up everything and just left without a trace of anything I looked back for the last time as I held my bloating stomach. I'am pregnant with his child.

Wonwoo's P.O.V.

I woke up with a huge hang over.

"Kyla, can you make me your stew...." there was no answer, usually she would either be beside me or down stairs cooking but I couldn't find her anywhere.

I panicked, I ran around the house and outside shouting her name but she was no where to be found. I asked her friends and parents and she wasn't in there house either.

I went back home broken, what have I done!? Did I do or say something which made her leave??

I rushed to our closet and all her things are gone. Nothing.


It's been a month since Kyla left me and I was getting a new light bulb for the kitchen until a pink box fell from the top of the basement.

Mwoji?? I thought as I opened it and found a baby x-ray and a pregnancy test.  No way...she's pregnant!?

I called her mother and she picked up after the 5th try.


"What do you need wonwoo-ah"

"Um....do you know where...Kyla is right now??"

"I think she's working at the elementary school near my home, why??"

"Ah~ thank you and nothing I'm just uhh..double checking" I said as he bid a goodbye and ended the call.

I ran out with my jacket and a _____ and headed to the _____ elementary school.

After 10 minutes I arrived at the place and ran to the secretary.

"Excuse me, do you know where a teacher named Kyla is??"

"Ah, yes. She's in room 28 division 41" she smiled as I bowed.

"Kamasahabneda" I said as I rushed to that room and found her sitting on a chair in an empty classroom. I believe all the kids went back home at this hour.

"....Kyla..." I whispered as she looked up and dropped her pen.

"Wait!" I shouted as she tried to get away from me, it is true she is pregnant.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU WERE PREGNANT!" I said as she had tears in her eyes.

"I thought you cheated on me...."


"Well I don't know...I heard you had a secret so I thought maybe that was why..." I thought for a second and just smiled, that's what she was concerned about.

"Do you want to know what secret it is?" I smirked as she put on a confused face. I went down on one knee and took out the red velvet box with a ring in it.

"I want you to marry me, this is my secret" I smiled as tears fell from her eyes.

"I love you Kyla" I said as I put the ring through her finger and gave her a hug.

"So what do you say"

"Yes, I would love too" she cried as I just gave her a kiss and calmed her down.

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