Mingyu (harimah_)

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Today, I have no idea where this courage came from but Ii was just sick and tired of just watching my best friend and just be friend zoned. There's a 99.9% of me getting rejected but HEY! I can try and even if I get rejected I can follow my parents back to _____ but if that 00.1% actually works then I can stay with him. It was my choice and I thought this was a chance.

It was after school and I was so freakin tired since I spent this whole week making 100 paper cranes and put them in this big pretty jar for him. Pretty cheesy, I know but I just had the urge to do this and so I did.

I walked around the school building and found him being goofy and loud with his friends as girls passed by almost tripping over themselves as they uncomfortably stared at him while walking by.

My heart was thumping, I was sweating, and my brain was repeatedly pushing the panic button while my feet were rushing towards him.

But even before I got to call him out he looked towards me and shouted out my name while happily jogging towards me.


I nervously smiled at him and looked around as no one was watching.

"Mingyu-yah....can I talk to you?...In private??" I shyly asked with a quiet voice as he looked at me weird.

Yeah I don't expect him to shout a cheerful yes since I'm that weird loud person that doesn't give a damn about anyone around me even if i say something really humiliating.


We went back to our class and good thing it was empty today -_-.

I took the crane jar out of my bag and put it behind my back and he was curious on what was happening behind me but Ii refused to show it just~ yet.

"So what do you want to tell me?"

"ummm...it's kind of weird to actually confess to a boy but...straight to the point.....I like you....and I want you to accept my love for you" I looked down at my feet embarrassed and had the crane jar out.

If he doesn't accepts this in 5 seconds then I'm gonna run out.





"Wait!" he took the jar away from my hands and I looked up on the verge of crying but he took a big sigh and looked at me.

"This is so embarrassing. A guy needs to confess not a girl."

"You ruined it. I need to do this. Wait"

"I've loved you since the first day we became friends and I still do and I will love you from now on and forever. And so will you be my first girlfriend?" he took out a jar of coloured paper each folded in scrolls and there was a paper attached to it saying "100 reasons your perfect to me".

I was crying by then and he just hugged me since he already knew my answer.

I was so happy like I was happy enough to jump off the Eiffel tower (no matter how stupid and painful that is).

"Yeah I love you too, sweety stop crying now" he laughed and patted my back while we were still hugging.

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