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I've liked Hansol for a while and he's someone I admired for a long time, he's my best friend but I want to be more to him and I want him to be more to me. Today I'm going to confess to him.

"Hansol-ah!" I shouted as he turned around and smiled at me.

"Lianna!" he came running to me and gave me a hug.

"I need to tell you something....buahahahahaha" we both said the same thing at the same time and we burst into laughter.

"You go on first Lianna" he said as I just looked down.

"Not in school...ummm I will talk to you after school at the park." I said as he nodded.

"Araseo...see ya!" he said as he ran to his friends so called seventeen.

I'm nervous...what should i do!?


Soon it was time so I waited for him. He appeared behind me and tapped my shoulder.

"Hey Lianna!"

"Hi Hansol...*this might be the last time we can talk breathe...breathe...hope it's going to be okay*"

"Umm I just wanted to tell you that...I like you...." I said as he froze and just stared at me.

"I know I know...you don't feel the same but I just wanted to tell you..." I said as I ran away from him.

"Lianna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I ignored his shouts and ran home crying. It's okay...it's okay...but it broke my heart to be rejected but I'm still happy that I told him my feelings.


I woke up and felt extremely dizzy so I went to my mom and she told me I had a fever so I had to stay home for the past 3 days but now I felt better so I headed to school.

I entered the gates and was standing near the tree to finish my book but someone hugged me from the back.

"I'm sorry Lianna..." my eyes widened at the fact that it was Hansol so you tried to get away from him but he was too strong for me.

"I feel the same..."

"What??" you said as you were turned around by him who had puffy eyes.

"I was just shocked by your confession but when I heard you were sick I cried in shame of not being able to say the same thing to you, shame of not being able to catch up to you, not being there for you when your crying...I'm sorry Lianna...." he said as tears rolled down his face, I wiped it away and hugged him.

"It's okay..."

"I really do love you Lianna" he cried as I did the same in his arms.

"I love you too, Hansol..." he pulled away and kissed my lips.

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now