Woozi (WooshiVale)

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Ahhh~ showering in hot water does calm me down. Today I had a hard day since I got detention! And my parents grounded me but good thing their not home for another week muhahahhaa, anyways, the most tiring thing is that there's this byuntae at my school well more known as kingka but to me he's a byuntae since there were more then one incidents that made me think he's a byuntae.

First of all he entered my changing room where I was CHANGING, secondly he touched my butt (not freaking funny), thirdly he hugged me out of no where!? And now what could happen right?

I finished showering and came out and look what I found? The byuntae out of my window! Okay if your confused let me tell you, I have a bathroom apart from my parents and it's near the living room and there's a big window near me which is facing the forest and no one comes here since it's dangerous so I thought it was fine to not have a curtain- BUT LOOK AT THIS GUY!

"YAH BYUNTAE!" I shouted out as I put a big towel around me and threw empty bottles of soup at him (good thing I have these things lying around the house, way to go lazy me) as he ran away like really fast since he doesn't seem to weigh much.

Aish! I need to cover the window with a black curtain or something....I muttered to myself as my heart raced really quickly as I got out and did my thing.

I soon came out with my hair all dried and my clothes on which is just a shirt and some comfy pants, I was about to sit down and rest since it's Friday but the doorbell rang so I kicked my back pack on the way to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked as I opened it without even checking the peek hole as I saw the byuntae.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Listen I-"

"No, get out!" I shouted as he tried to come in.

"Let me explain-"

"I don't want to hear anything from you!"

"I'm not a byuntae-" I kept on cutting him off, I was in panic and I didn't want him in my way.

"No!- Ahh!" this time he cut me off by pushing me to the wall, he trapped me between his arms.

What is this byuntae going to do to me!? 

"Listen, I'm sorry for invading your private space for the past couple months but I never meant to do that. Remember when I went into your change room? Yeah, I thought no one was there so I was going to drop off this box. Secondly, remember that time when I touched your butt? I was going to give this box AGAIN in your hands secretly but you switched positions which lead me to touching your butt. Thirdly, remember that time I hugged you? My friends pushed me to you forcibly since they knew my feelings toward you" he said as I was in complete shock.

"And this time...no one answered the door so I walked around the house until I saw you in the bathroom but right at that moment you looked towards me. And I was trying to tell you that I liked you....and I wanted to give you this..." he shyly took out a pink box and gave it to me as he let go of me as he gave me some space.

I slowly and hesitantly opened it to find a really pretty necklace with a music note on it, I looked up at him as he looked away with a bight red face making me giggle.

"S- so...do you accept my feelings?" he asked as I thought for a second...he is cute XD

"Yes" I smiled as he gave me a hug.

"And now I can give you kisses" he smiled as he gave me a kiss on the forehead which was very sweet.

"Now turn around" he said as I obeyed his order and waited until he put around the necklace on my neck and after he gave me a back hug.

"I love you"

"I love you too" I blushed as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

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