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"And then...he hanged himself..." my friend was telling other people a true story of...a boy dying on the 4th floor that is now banned from people of coming but I don't believe it.

"*sigh* guys! Don't you guys have homework!?" you asked annoyed as they just rolled their eyes on you.

"It's lunch break" they said back as they glared at you and walked away back to their classes.

"Yah! Do you wanna hear it!?" your friend exclaimed as she rushed over to your desk.


"Okay, so, this boy was really cute and smart but that didn't make the boys feel happy around him as much as the girls were. So one day he got bullied by them and no one knew about it since they threatened him to be dead if the bullying was leaked, after that day the bullying and bruising never ended so he put the end to this in his class. This happened two years ago in the 4th floor so now he's......18 this year, just like us! But don't even try to go there cuz it's been locked after that day, no one has been able to open it not even the fire men."

You rolled your eyes acting like you weren't scared but in the inside you were dying of fear.


School soon ended and you went up to the 4th floor, it was weird like it was pulling you to that floor. You can feel something around you but you didn't dare to look up until someone grabbed you.

"Wha- Ahhh-" you looked up and found a guy with blood all over him with cuts and bruises. You screamed but he put his cold finger on your lips. IT'S A FREAKIN GHOST WHY DID I EVEN COME HERE!!?!?!??!

"Shhh, I'm not a bad person I won't hurt you. I brought you here so you can help me." he said as you calmed yourself down, actually he was very attractive too.

"Help you with what??"

"To find my body"

"What? Why??"

"Because the day I died they (bullies) found my body first, they secretly hid it somewhere but I have no idea where it is anymore so I need your help. I only locked the door so they wouldn't come in again but it's useless now because they moved away after that incident, in another word they were just scared if anyone actually found my body." he said as he looked different from other ghost's you've seen on TV, he looked lonely and sad even his aura is like that too.

"Because I need to get back to the body, I'm locked up here and...I don't like it...please help me..." he held your hands and got closer to you with puppy eyes.

"Ummm....I would have said yes...but I don't want to see a dead body, what if it jumps alive!?" you said in a serious way as he laughed in how stupid you were.

"The owner of the body is me!" he said out loud which of course wouldn't be heard cuz he's a ghost except for you since you're in the 4th floor.

"No one can hear or see you from in here and I will protect you" he assured you with a bloody smile which you got used to.

"Liar..." you murmured as he frowned at you.

"Come here tomorrow after school, I will do anything to assure you that you will be safe. OKAY?" he emphasized the word okay and you just nodded as you got back up from the floor.

"Bye..." you sighed as you walked to the main door out to the stair case from the 4th floor.

"Wait!" he ran up to you with his weak body and put out his pinky.

"Pinky promise" he said as you just looked at him, a smile formed on your face and then you laughed at him really hard.

"W- what!?"

"You're.Just.Too.Cute!" you laughed as you got up and finished the promise.

"I will be here..." you said as you walked out leaving him there though right when you closed the door he was gone. Meh. Ghost stuff right?

You walked away and went to your house, ignored your mom and sat on your bed.

Omg, this did not happen. I know this ghost man, wouldn't you freak out!? Ugh...just forget it, he's innocent.


School ended pretty quickly and you hesitated to open the door until it flung open itself.

"You came..." he smiled as you nodded.

"So you sure it's in here??" I asked as he nodded.

"It's should be" he said as he followed me around the place.

1 month later...

I've been trying to look for his body but I couldn't find it...but the bigger problem is that I've fallen for him! I've spent all my spare time with him and it's getting contagious.

"Woozi!" I shouted as I ran around the place, I couldn't find him anywhere. I sat on the floor and caught my breathe.

Where is he? Did he disappear?!

You were going to leave, so you put your hand on the door knob until warm hands surrounded your waist.


"I'm sorry..." you looked around and found woozi, all clean and he's more handsome.

"Woo- but ho-" he cut you off with a peck on the lips.

"I finally found my body!" he exclaimed.

"Really!" you shouted as you hugged him really tightly.

"Thank god..." you sighed as you let go of him.

"I- I...need to tell you something...____" he said as he held your hands.

"What is it?"

"I've liked you ever since I've brought you here, I've been lonely ever since I was alive before because no one loved me for me, you helped me and made me realize why I have to live on and not give up on myself." he said as your eyes widened.

"So...what do you say??" he asked as he gulped a huge lump.

"Yes!" you shouted as you hugged him very tightly.

"I love you ____"

"I love you too Woozi..."

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