Mingyu (SetsukoChannie)

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you were playing with you're little baby boy cousin Kwangmin, but you were also on a date with Mingyu but you forgot about him. It all started like this.

"Jagiya~ Can we go on a date??" Your boyfriend cooed as you just laughed.

"But I have to have a play date with my cousin."

"I don't care, now please~" he begged as he put his two hands together and gave you puppy eyes.

"N-.....oh fine!" you said as he shouted in happiness.

"My jagiya's the best!" he exclaimed as he hugged you very tightly.

"Okay okay...you're squeezing me too tight" you breathed as he let you go and skipped to his room.

You got ready and came out quickly fishing out your phone to call Kwangmin.

"....Oh! Hi!"


"Kwangmin-ah...do you remember that I will be playing with you today??"

"Oh yeah! Noona! Can I come right now!"

"Yeah sure! See you later"

"Okay! Bye~"

And that was the end of your call with your baby cousin. After some time your boyfriend came out and hugged you again until the doorbell rang. You rushed to the door and opened it to find your cousin standing there with a big grin and a present.

"Noona! I want to give you something!" he shouted as you patted his tiny head.

He handed you the the present and you opened it to find a small ring with a letter. You smiled at him as you opened it and read it, it said "I love you noona" and a happy drawing of you and him.

"Oh~ Thank you Kwangmin-ah~" you said as you hugged him very tightly. You can feel another presence behind you but you knew it was just Mingyu.

"You need to wait for me to grow up, and then I will marry you!" he happily said as you just giggled at him.

"Gaja! (let's go)" you cheered as you grabbed his hand and skipped along the park with Mingyu following behind you, pouting but you forgot about the date and Mingyu.

For the whole day you just played with Kwangmin, and it was already 8 pm so you and Mmingyu headed back home but you found him extremely quiet.

You tapped him once and he didn't even budge, he just walked further away from you with his shoulders and face down.

You walked up to him and hugged him from the back.

"What's wrong??" you asked as he turned around and gave you another hug.


"Are you perhaps...jealous??" you said as he gulped a lump in his throat.

"N- no..."

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not!-"

"Then I should just marry Kwangmin who shows more affection then you" you teased him as he became more startled.

"F- FINE! I am jealous..." he whispered as you smiled in victory.

"Then you should of just said so in the first place" you pecked his lips and you walked off with him.

"But you didn't even look at me for the last 3 hour and this wasn't even a date! And he COULD marry you"

"Okay, Mingyu oppa. He is 5 I'm 17, I'm more then 10 years older then him and plus he's my COUSIN! I would only love you, and only you okay??" you reassured him as he just playfully nodded and pecked your lips.

"And that's why I love you, _____" He whispered as he hugged you from the back as you opened the door to your apartment.

"And this is why I love you, Mingyu" you said as you two ended it with a sweet kiss on the lips.

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