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Yes! Back in Korea! I rushed out of the airport and spent an hour to search for the dorm of my BFF Dino. I came right after I found out he became an idol, he's always talked about hoe inspired he was since he was young and I admired that about him.

I knocked on the door to see him in a big sweater and baggy pants which looks so cute on this minion. I laughed really hard as I ruffled his hair who was totally confused.

"Who are you?"

"HhHAHAHAH- HA...._- ____..HAHAAH!" I laughed as he gave me a big hug which made everyone come out of their rooms and face me with a amused face like...it's their first time seeing a girl.

"Who is she~ Dino~" they teased as he released me and faced everyone else with a happy face.

"My friend-"

"Let me correct that, best friend"I said as I gave him a glare and faced everyone else who was giggling.

"Ugh, still stingy as ever. Remember you fought over-" I hit his head and bowed at the others.

"Hello, my names ____. Nice to meet you" I laughed as they introduced themselves as I ignored Dino's hits and pokes.

"Dude~ Stawp!" I said as I hit him again.

"I'm glad to see you again" he said as I gave him a hug and patted his head.

"Well, I need to go so see you next Saturday!" I shouted out as I wore my shoes and headed out as he followed me.

"Bye~" he cooed as he gave me another baby hug which made me miss it so much when I was back in _____. He's so freakin cute it just drives me crazy.


Today is Saturday! Yesh~ I've been waiting to see him! I excitedly walked over to their dorm to see them waiting with a huge grin and a Dino who has a dark cloud over him.

"Hey guys! Wait...what's wrong with him?" I asked as everyone made eye contact and pushed him over to me as they ran away out side, great, he's right on top of me and I can feel my cheeks go RED!

"Are y- you o- kay?" he asked as I nodded and sat up to face him who was deep crimson right now like damn....O_o.

"What's going on?-"

"IreallylikeyouandIwantyoutobemygirlfriend...." he said- more like rapped as I replayed it in my head over and over until I finally got what he was trying to tell me.

"IreallylikeyoutooandIacceptyourconfession" I "rapped" as he laughed which made me crack up, man I'm funny XD.

I looked up at him and he gave me a shy hug which I responded back.

"I'm glad your my first girlfriend. I love you ____"

"I love you too" I shyly said as he gave me a kiss.

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