Hoshi (allegraxswag)

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It's almost prom and I have no one, and I do mean NO ONE to go with. I sighed as I dismissed myself from the school until someone caught up to me.

"Allegra!" I turned back to find my friend, Sarang.

"Oh hey Sarang." I said with a poker face as I watched her jump around the place.

"I got asked out by Mingyu oppa!"

"Oh...that's great" I smiled as she hugged me.

"How about you?"

"No one" I sighed as she frowned.

"How about you ask?"


"Yes! I'm such a genius-"

I walked away from her as I ignored her calls, she's stupid. I can't possibly confess to someone that sees me as a nerd.


It was the day right before prom, I'm still alone and I'm getting embarrassed. People are making fun of me, again so I ended up at my locker as I took out my journal but I can hear things in another part of the hall.

I looked around and found two voices from a class room that was closed.

"Come one dude, she doesn't have anyone for tomorrow......just go stop making excuses" 

"B- but...I-"

the whispering stopped and a door swung open as I noticed Hoshi was being pushed towards me by his friend Mingyu.

I turned around and faced him.

"Do you need help?" I asked as he gulped, why does he look so sweaty and nervous.

"U- umm, W- will you go to p- rom with m- me??" he stuttered as my jaws dropped, in my head I was going crazy and shouting out hell yeah but I can't say that right now.

"I would love to go to prom with you" I smiled as he sighed as gave me a hug.

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem, Hoshi"


It's the prom date and I've had a lot of fun with Hoshi, he's actually very nice to me. I don't know why he acted disgusted before...

The prom was nearing the end and I was outside looking out at the moon as Hoshi came up to me.



"I- I like you..." he confessed as I stood their shocked...

"I want you to be my girlfriend...is that possible?"

"Very certain I will say yes" I breathed as he gave me a kiss.

"I love you Allegra..."

"I love you too, Hoshi-ah..." and that was it, the first, last, and best prom of my life.

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