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I talked with my old friend Daniel for about 20 minutes, its been so long since i talked to him that i completely forgot about my date with woozi. We were in the middle of shopping and I happened to cross by him. In realization i turn back to my boyfriend that was quietly sitting down behind me while staring down fiddling with his fingers with a big pout on his face. I sighed with guilt and turned back to my friend that gave me a smile as he also noticed my boyfriend.

"Okay _______. Just call me later. sorry for interrupting your date" he smiled as he passed me a small ripped piece of crumbled paper with random numbers scribbled on it before running out of the cafe.

I looked back at woozi with pity evident on my face and walked over to him as he looked up with puppy eyes and the pout that still hasn't left his face making me feel bad for him

"Im sorry woozi" I said as i sat next to his chair while holding his hand as he slipped his hand away and looked out the window.

I pouted as I quietly slipped my arms around his waist.

"Babe? Im so sorry" i said as my voice came out as muffles from burrying my face on his shoulder as he stared out at the streets of people passing by.

"I made time for you from my studies and you already spent 20 minutes on your friend" he glared down at me before resuming back to staring outside.

I bit my lips and heaved a small sigh as i pulled his hand making him helplessly be dragged by me that brought him outside looking for the ice cream truck i eyed before coming as i planned to make him feel better using sweets and ended up finding it around the corner.

We walked to it and i stood on the other side of the cashier.

"Two scoops of chocolate please" i smiled as the cashier told me the cost and went ahead on scooping the ice cream.

I looked behind to check up on woozi who was looking away while his hands were still interlocked with mine.

"Heres your ice cream cone" i turned back and thanked the cashier as i slid the money in her hands and held it in woozi's face as he flinched and looked at me and back at the cone.

"I dont want it" he mumbled as I sighed and let go of the air that i was holding in and pulled him away from the truck.

"Then what do you want?" i asked him as he pulled me further this time without a word.

We soon reached the park and he sat down pulling me with him as stared at the river that gleamed orange from the sunset.

"You should at least eat this" i said breaking the cold ice between us as i handed it to him who just stared at it and licked the ice cream resembling a dog drinking its milk.

I grinned at him and messed his soft and light pink hair.

"Im sorry. I can make it up to you" i smiled as he looked down while still licking his cone as he slightly blushed.

"How?" he looked up as i noticed a smudge of ice cream on his lips.

"Aigoo...how old are you" i laughed as i took out a water tissue from my bag and came up closer to him as i wiped his lips which took him by surprise.

"Y-yah...." he blushed in embarrassment as i sat back throwing the dirty tissue to the garbage can beside my side of the bench.

I giggled as i sat close to him attempting to slip my arms around his waist as he sighed and surrounded his right arm around my shoulder.

"I can never stay mad at you...." he said as he kissed my head.

"Psh.. Obviously you cant stay mad cuz you're madly in love with me" i joked as i pulled away and examined his beet red face.

"Well your the same!" he argued back as i nodded and kissed his cheeks.

"Thats true" i nodded while i snuggled up on him.

"I cant believe that...daniel guy...i hate him" he muttered as he glared at the grass squinting his eyes.

"Are you jealous?" i asked as he pulled away and threw away the soggy cone that wasnt finished.

"Tissue!" he said without bothering to answer my question.

I sighed as i took out another tissue and gave it to him to wipe off the melted ice cream on his hands that somehow melted through the cone.

I patiently waited for him as he threw away the trash and pulled my left arm into a hug as he rubbed his hair on my shoulder.

"Nope" he grinned as he looked up at me who smirked and shook my head.


"Im not a liar!" he shouted but not too loud so he wont grab any attention.

"Fine" i commented after a long starong contest giving in as i pecked his lips in the hopes of getting him to smile and he did.

"I love you~" he cooed as he pulled me into a long kiss that seemed even sweeter today (umm the chocolate taste thats still evident on his lips?).

Seventeen Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now