Seungkwan (KpopzQueenz)

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I slammed my self back down on my bed struggling to get the most embarrassing memory out of my head! I flung my arms and legs around and messed around with my hair as I let out a high scream looking like a psycho chicken (uh oh...someone's going to eat me.Joshua, Kai, Onew).

Your probably thinking what in the world is wrong with me but...uhhh goes back to when I was with my boyfriend Seungkwan and his pales seventeen.

We were just being obnoxious and annoying until we ran out of energy and fun topics to talk about after several hours.

We all sat in silence trying to think of something until Seungkwan jumped up with a evil grin on his face giving me a excited glance and I swear I saw everything in his eyes.

Obviously he was going to do something that's related to me, adrenaline was pumping in his system in an instance, and he's probably going to make the others make fun of me.

He rushed out of the room and with thunderous foot steps he hurried to his room and back with an album, an album....a photo album, that had a cover WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too familiar to be true.

And I was like....


How. THE HECK! DID HE! GET MY! CHILDHOOD PHOTO ALBUM!? And my parents even put some DVD's of me doing the most stupid things!

I glared at him and he just smiled back as the others all took it in leaving no trace of where it is.

I really couldn't do have it and there's 13 guys. There was literally NO hope to get it back (don't worry hopeu iseu goingteu b here!)

They sure did embarrass me along with SEUNGKWAN! Isn't it supposed to be like the boyfriend protects his girl!? UGH I HATE HIM!

And now it's pay back time!

I got out of bed and went back down to the empty living room but I wasn't lonely since it was still bright outside and today especially the sun was shining illuminating the room making my mood go up.

I awaited for him and every once in a while I would look up at the clock waiting for him to come home from practice while watching their latest performances until I heard the sound of the door knob.

I walked over to him and greeted him with a warm smile but really, inside I was like "muhahahaha" -_-.

"Hi Jagi. How was your day?" He asked nicely hung his jacket at the coat hanger and proceeded to the kitchen to wash his hands.

"Boring without you. I missed you~" I smiled as I hugged him and smiled at him.

Normally I won't do any kind of PDA or talk sweetly or anything like that, it's not like I don't love him but I'm not used to those things and he would be fine with it since he doesn't do any of that either.

"U- uhhhh....yeah I missed you too" he smiled and I can tell he took a small step back.

Seungkwan's P.O.V.

I stopped for a second....what's going on with her?

I tilted my head at her and just went up stairs to go finish some school work. Just because I'm an idol and I don't go to school often anymore doesn't mean I don't have homework -_- I hate it.

I sat down and immediately got to work .


"Oppa~ You should take a break~" she said and I balled my fist while cringing a bit.

I can't stand that....voice! But I can't even tell her to stop....waaaaa..... should I? No I shouldn't.....

And all of a sudden she literally started doing AEGYO! She knows I hate it. Why is she even! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH

She did 1+1 thing....a lot of skinship....ughhh and the change of her tone.

(-..-) this IS going to end soon right?

I couldn't stand it and so I asked....

"Why are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"

I rolled my eyes. This is obviously revenge from when I showed the guys her old photo album.


"I'm not~" she laughed.

"Will you hate me if I always do this?" she asked and I shook my head.


"I'm surprised that you didn't say stop. I was being extremely annoying this past 3 hours."

"Yeah....but your my girlfriend and I love you too much to say "no". If it was one of the guys I would be able to throw my mic but if it's you I will accept it" he smiled and gave me a small hug.

"What if I continued that from now on?" she asked making me freeze in place.

"Uhhhhh...." I smiled giving her a hint that I will ABSOLUTELY HATE IT and she did get the point XD

"Okay okay. I will stop!" she pouted a bit trying her hardest not to seem like she was a bit disappointed.

"But you know I still love you right" I smiled giving her a peck on the cheeks.

"Of course I do....I know it very well....but I hate you for doing "that"!"

"Okay....I'm sorry..." I laughed as she gave me a short glare and laughed along.

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