Dino (BloomLove4)

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Fast walking through the crowded hallways trying to reach my locker I heaved a sigh of relief as I made it and saw it just about a feet away-


I fell hard on my butt and I closed my eyes as the books I was holding on to went flying over the place.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" a deep voice shrieked has he frantically hung his hand out while he crouched down and picked up some notebooks with his other.

"I- I'm fine....I should've watched where I was heading" I groaned as I took his hands as he helped me stand back up as I noticed stares from other girls and laughs from the boys.

"No no. I'm sorry. Are you hurt anywhere?" I looked up at him and gasped to see one of the school prince S.coups ask with worry written all over his face.

"I'm f- fine...." I flushed red as I walked around to collect some textbooks as he held the other books in his arms.

"I think you need help" he smiled as I struggled to get to my locker as the stack of books made my arms weak and tired.

He rushed up to my locker and put the books on the floor in front of it before heading up to me and picking up my other books as our hands brushed each others for a moment before stacking it up on the other books as I bowed in front of him after muttering a thank you.

"No it's fine....erghhh can we perhaps....hang out after school? Y- you...know to repay what I have done to you, wasting your time" he said quietly as I became flustered before silently nodding as he smiled at me and waved before leaving me as the bell rung loudly.

Crap. The books.

But little did Htoo Eh know, there was a long hurt stare coming from a boy whom was her best friend and to him she was his long crush.

"Need help?" I looked back and found Dino, my best friend say as he took the books from my hands and put them in the locker after I gave him a smile and a nod.

"Thanks Dino" I smiled as he nodded and walked away. Weird...he seems more off today. Meh. Bad morning I guess.

I got out my homework and ran to my class and flung the door open as some kids greeted me and others glared and whispered things about me as I left a long sigh as there was no sign of my teacher at the moment.

I smiled to myself thinking of today's scene as I sat down on my desk with a stupid grin ignoring peoples attention on me.


Classes went by quickly, lunch felt shorter then before, I walked out from my last class with my books and I shoved them in my bag while walking to my locker again to be bumped into someone's chest.

"Chwesonghabnida" I whispered before proceeding  on my way until I turned back to a deep chuckle.

"We meet again just like this morning. Come on. Let's go!" S.coups said cheerfully before dragging me off by my wrist grabbing all the attentions of all the kids running around in the stuffed hallway.

With how much students there are your sure not even the most famous artist can be noticed but unfortunately we were noticed by them and people gawked at our skinship, especially the girls.

I tried to pull my wrist away but he held on tighter as he ran to the park panting heavily.

"My goodness those stares were sooo awkward" he laughed as I nodded along with him feeling worried of tomorrow, I MEAN WHO wouldn't be spreading rumours in your school if the prince was hanging out with a NERD.

"Yeah...."  I smiled while catching my breathe as he pushed me to a near ice cream parlor.

"I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream~" he sang as I giggled at his childishness.

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