the8 (ohjangmin)

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I'm in love with the school's gosh I hate myself so much for loving him but the other half of me is glad to be in love with him.

These days he's stopped bullying me and instead he's been failing to be kind to me which is adorable. I watched him getting lessons from the others about love and he has no idea what that is, I think I heard him asking if it's something you eat....stupid.

I've been watching him and he's not that bad, he's cute in a way XD.

I just hope he won't hurt a girl by doing the wrong thing but I'm hurt since I know I'm not the one he loves.


Today I was walking home until someone tapped on my shoulder, I turned around and found the8 looking down.

"What do you need Ming Hao??" I asked as he looked up at me.

"I- I...I want to- to say something....Jang-ah..."

"mmmm mwo??"

"I- I liked you...I wanted to get  your attention....but the hyungs said I'm doing something stupid so ummm they just said to just say it...." he shyly said as I just smiled at his clumsiness.

"It was really clumsy of you to bully me to get attention, I mean girls will hate you for that-" I saw how hurt he was so I continued on to clean up the misunderstanding.

"But! should be glad that I like you back" I said as his face brightened up.

"I'm really glad!" he said as he gave me a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Haha, you're so dumb" I laughed as he pouted and let go of me.

"But you are adorable" I laughed as I gave him a peck on the cheeks.

"I love you Jang..."

"I love you, Ming Hao"

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