Hansol (hansolsgirl)

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I'm a student teacher of a high school and what's funny is that I'm also in high school -_- can you believe that. 

As always these three guys just can not stop following me around like their baby cubs.

"Will you guys stop following me?!" I shouted as they just smiled, indeed they are handsome since their one of the kingka's of the school but I became a student teacher and I can't fall in love with boys that are a year or two younger then me...yes and I'm still a teacher.

"Noona, noona. What are you doing right now!?" Dino the younger one asked as I got my files from my desk.

"...don't you have gym class right now?" I asked as he thought for a minute.

"You keep up to my schedule? Awww, you love me"

"That's not going to be possible Dino. In your dreams" Wonwoo laughed as Dino pouted.

" You guys should leave her alone. She's a teacher and she needs alone time." I looked behind me as Hansol was walking away as he waved a goodbye at me. He's the least annoying one out of them but he does still follow me around the place.

The others groaned as they walked behind Hansol and waved a goodbye at me.

They are cute but they just keep on playing with my feelings, especially Hansol.

Boy's P.O.V.

 "Boy's! Will you come to my office!" the principal shouted out to us as we turned around from going outside, what's going on now?

We went inside and sat down on the big comfy couch as the principal sighed.

"There's rumors of you guys liking Miss. Elysse...is it true..."

"Yes" we all answered as he just chuckled.

"Prove it, we will have a test of how much you know her after lunch so be here." he said as we nodded and smirked at each other. As we walked out we all faced each other in a circle.

"The one who knows her more gets her"

"Deal" we said as we went off to play outside.

Hansol's P.O.V.


We sat down at the principal's office right after we finished our lunch.

"Okay, now the first question is what is her last name"



I thought for a second and I remember her mother coming here and asking for her as she said if she knew a girl named Kim Elysse.

"Kim!" I blurted out as the principal nodded and gave me a point on the chart.

"Her age?"




"No way, Hansol that's not possible-"



I remember her talking to the other teachers and introducing herself.

"Now, the last question is where was she born?"



"______" I said as the principal smiled.

"Hansol got every question correct." he said as the others groaned.

"Go!" he said as I bowed and ran out of the room as I rushed to the empty classroom.

"Miss. Ely-....sse" I tried to catch my breathe as she looked towards me with her hair flowing down, as beautiful as the first time I met her.

"What's wrong Hansol?" she said as she smiled, freaking killing me everyday with that smile.

"I- I...need to tell you something...."

"What is it, come in first" she said as I walked in and crouched down on her desk as I supported my chin with both my arms as I examined her face.

"I like you" I said as her eyes widened which is so freakin cute.

"I think this is not time to joke arou-"

"I'm serious!" I said as she sat there for a second.

"Then I'm happy to say I like you too" she blushed as I gave her a hug, different from the other hugs I gave her until now.

"I love love love you!"

"Haha, I love you too Hansol" 

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